Very occasionally there is an update that is not about family Bagnall and this is one of them. Occasionally there is an update that has no photos; this is one of them, too. This update is merely an introduction to our new look. I promised a new look for 2017 and although I do not do New Year resolutions this is a promise that I have decided to honour. It was about time that I changed the look of this website, for this is the first major change since January 2009 and this post A quiet week (not including the move to private server in September 2010 and this post).
Welcome to 2017
Welcome to 2017 and the first post of the new year. This is my traditional Janus-like post where I look back upon the year just gone and the one that lies before us.
The Bagnalls at Christmas 2016
You have not had to wait too long to find out what happened at Christmas, so no grumpy faces please. As I mentioned in the previous post I had used up some leave and DOIL’s to take the week leading up to Christmas off. Once again, we had offered to host Christmas day and so we could use these days to prepare the house to host 14 people for Christmas dinner. Some of you with good memories will remember that last year we hosted 17 so where were the other three? Those three would be my family who couldn’t make it down this year. Therefore, not wanting to miss out on seeing Nanny Fran and Aunties Mary and Liz, we decided that as soon as the Baguettes were released from school we would drive up to visit them and have an early Christmas in West Bromwich.