To patch or not to patch

You have had to wait for the first proper update (website upgrade notwithstanding) for a few weeks but that is not unusual where this website is concerned.  Indeed 2017 is no different to 2016 or any of the previous years of this website and probably no different to any of those to come.  I think, like most of us, the start of the year tends to be a little on the quiet side.  Homes have been robbed of their clinquant decorations, Christmas is but a fading memory and normal business resumes with dark nights, morning frosts and Spring a distant reward.

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Welcome to 2017

Welcome to 2017 and the first post of the new year.  This is my traditional Janus-like post where I look back upon the year just gone and the one that lies before us.

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Tell me baby, do you recognise me? Well, it’s been a year, it doesn’t surprise me

It is tradition on Baggie and Lucy dot com for me to treat you to pre-Christmas round up, and equally one after Christmas, usually with the pre-Christmas entitled with a suitably Christmassy song lyric for you to guess and award yourself a point or ten.  With the trip to Lapland taking 5000 words and nigh on 70 photos you may have to forgive me this year for not managing to keep this tradition and subsequent failure to squeeze in another essay before the big day (well actually before the equally traditional Bagnall Christmas message).  Although I failed in writing this post before Christmas, I do not like to let you down so this may not be the most eloquent of posts for 2016, or indeed the lifetime of this website, nevertheless I thought that I had better impart the last few weeks of news before bringing you up to speed with the Bagnall’s Christmas celebrations. Read more