It is mid-February, it is half-term, Lucinda has no childminding wards and I have the final few days of holiday accrued from last year to take so what better excuse was there for team Bagnall to spend the week together. The girls’ half term break was actually a day longer than the usual week due to an inset day tagged to the Friday meaning that they actually broke up on the Thursday. Read more
Ezra’s first haircut!
Another update? I can tell that you are not used to so many updates from me, especially at the beginning of the year. Well, it is a new look to the website so I am going to try to fill it with new content, and I will keep up the momentum and as long as life allows me. I always find that the part of writing this blog that falls down is just the effort required to take the time and begin to write. Obviously our lives are not that interesting that they warrant a bi-weekly update, but there are times that updates are missed because I never begun the process of sitting down at the keyboard. Therefore, this year I will try to amend this, however, you will probably find by Easter that I have fallen by the wayside but at least I have begun in the right vein.
So what can warrant an update mid-term in mid-winter?
To patch or not to patch
You have had to wait for the first proper update (website upgrade notwithstanding) for a few weeks but that is not unusual where this website is concerned. Indeed 2017 is no different to 2016 or any of the previous years of this website and probably no different to any of those to come. I think, like most of us, the start of the year tends to be a little on the quiet side. Homes have been robbed of their clinquant decorations, Christmas is but a fading memory and normal business resumes with dark nights, morning frosts and Spring a distant reward.