Our first night off

This week has marked a big stage in both Éowyn’s development and our own as parents.  For Christmas my mom, Nanny Fran, bought us a two part present a ‘Couples Experience’ voucher, and while we were taking advantage of that, she would look after Éowyn.  You could say that mom bought a day with her grandchild but she knows that she doesn’t have to do that.

We decided to use the voucher to book a spa day at the Marriott Hotel and Country Club at the Forest of Arden for our wedding anniversary and then on the back of that a night at the hotel.  This meant that Éowyn would spent over 24 hours with Nanny Fran and Auntie Liz but without Mommy and Daddy.  To make this as easy as possible we travelled up to West Bromwich on Sunday.  It had been a while since Éowyn had seen her Nanny Fran but had soon made herself at home and was more interested in her nan and auntie as new playnates than her mom and dad.  We had arrived in West Bromwich a little earlier than we thought and had more than enough time to take Éowyn’s Great Great Uncle Albert out for Sunday lunch.  I think that she amazed him with how much she enjoys her food and how vocal she can be.

Sunday evening, Liz’s friend and Mom’s surrogate grandchildren paid Éowyn a visit.  It was really interesting to see Éowyn interacting with older children.  She loved it as you can see from the photos below and I’m sure that Amelia and Finn enjoyed it too.

So Monday morning came and as usual we woke with Éowyn and after her first morning feed we took her downstairs.  It was quite strange knowing that we were going to leave her for a day and have no way of telling her.  So after breakfast Nanny Fran took her upstairs to get washed and dressed and we left for our day (and night) away.  No kisses or waves goodbye as we drove away.  We were in two minds as whether this was best but listened to Nanny Fran’s advice and hoped that all would be well.

The hotel is a couple of miles from Meriden a village that lays claim to be the centre of England and after a day of relaxation and massages we decided to walk into the village for a gourmet pub meal at the Bull’s Head as we were assured that it was only a 20 minute walk.  Nearly an hour later we found ourselves in the village at the centre of England.  At just over 3 miles we would have needed to have walked at 9 miles an hour to have made it into Meriden in 20 minutes.  That is the equivalent of running a marathon in under 3 hours!  Not part of a relaxing day, especially up hill and down dale.

It was strange not to have Éowyn with us, and Lucinda obviously felt that more than I on the Monday and I had to prevent her from phoning mom and texting constantly.  However, Tuesday morning the roles were reversed and it was me that was anxious to get back.

Our return was a mixed blessing:  Éowyn had not missed us as much as we thought she would.  Obviously this is good, as it means that we can leave her with others and have some freedom and time to ourselves but at the same time a little disappointing that she didn’t miss us.  It is, I suppose, only our egos that assume that only we can possibly know what our child needs and it is good, nay crucial, for her development to realise that there are others that can look after her.  Not to mention good for us as parents to have time for us and our relationship.

Éowyn had a fabulous time at Nanny Fran’s as she was the centre of attention.  They went to the Sea Life centre in Birmingham (about as far from the sea as you can get in the UK!) as well as meeting Nanny Fran’s friends and visiting her Great-Grandma.

The journey back home was eventful too.  Lucinda had bought a rocking horse off ebay (for the grand total of £5.50) from a family in a village near Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire.  Conveniently this is not too far from our way home, so we decided to pick it up on the way back.  The transaction was smooth but as we left with the horse the call of the bladder and Éowyn’s feed, time beckoned and there was no welcoming hostelry on the horizon.  Sitting on a bench rocking a baby in a pushchair an elderly lady was the only person around to ask where the nearest pub or restaurant was.  ‘There isn’t one near”, she said and Lucinda returned to the car.  Before she had managed to climb back into the car to head home the lady called her back.  “I can’t see you without a cup of tea or the baby without her feed,” she insisted.  “Come back to my place.”  The lady was most insistent and it seemed as if it would offend not to take her up on her offer, so we did.

Her husband did not bat an eyelid that his wife had invited two strangers with a baby back to their house for a cup of tea and the chance to use the loo.  We sat with them for 90 minutes or so, drinking tea from china cups being forcefed kitkats while Éowyn nursed.  They were a lovely couple, so friendly and welcoming.  They were both approaching 90, yet scarcely looked over 70.  It was so uplifting to meet such kind people when there is such a barrage of depressing news in the media.  Marge and Len we tip our hats to you and only hope that we are enjoying life as much as you guys do now when the calendar reads 2060.

Today, saw another journey, this time south, for a rocking horse.  Yes Lucinda’s winning streak on ebay listed rocking horses extended to two (well Éowyn does mean ‘lover of horses’).  This one however was in Southampton and was actually a donkey.  In all fairness this second horse (donkey) will last her much longer and is much nicer (although don’t tell the frst one that!)  As we were down in deepest darkest Hampshire we decided that it would be nice to visit Lucinda’s friend Pam in Andover.  It was good catching up with Pam as we have not seen her for a while and to see her youngest daughter Zara who is growing up so fast.

Éowyn took another step in her development too, although not one under her control.  Finally she has teeth.  After what seems like an age her top two front teeth have cut through the gum and are growing well.  However, it is a little strange to see her with teeth after nine months with none.  Our little girl is growing up so fast!

Enjoy the new photos (and I have uploaded more of our wedding photos onto the Flickr pages too)

Peace and Love


Stand Up!

It has been quite a busy and emotional week and a bit since the last update.  The week started quite brightly with fine weather as befits the start of June.  Éowyn took full advantage of this in her new paddling pool.  Each morning we took her into the garden to have a splash, which is a very easy way to give her (and us) a wash!  She thoroughly enjoys being in the water and it is something that we want to encourage.

Our friends Neil, Emma and Kerry met us in Chertsey for a walk along the Thames on Thursday.  As with all good walks a meal at a pub was in order and we incorporated this tradition with Thames Court being the goal for the half-way stage of the stroll. We were also introduced to the hobby of geocaching by the guys.  It adds an added interest to a walk and it is quite nice to be part of a secret club where muggles walk by geocaches unaware of the hidden treasures lurking in the undergrowth.

The weekend started with an invite to the evening-do of the wedding of friends of ours Stuart and Sharon Hellyer.  This was Éowyn’s first wedding and she did very well considering she was in a new place, with new people and long past her bedtime.  However by 10pm she was getting really grumpy and we had to say goodbye while the night was still young.  We wish Stuart and Sharon all the best for their future lives together.

Monday we took full advantage of the fine weather and headed to Windsor to meet up with Lee and Caroline and their daughter Georgia.  Caroline and Lucinda meet up quite regularly so the girls know each other, as well as 7 ½ month olds can.  They don’t really play with each other (as yet) and Éowyn took full advantage of her advanced manoeuvrability and went in for Georgia’s dummy while she unsuspectedly sat in the sun.  I suppose she has a long memory from the time that Georgia punched her in the face while they lay on our lounge floor.

Nan and Granddad took us to the Harvester in Windsor Tuesday evening where Éowyn was on her best behaviour once again, until she swallowed a large chunk of the bun that she was chewing and began to choke.  Fortunately the first aid training kicked in and a swift slap to the back dislodged the offending lump but unfortunately brought up a quantity of vomit too.  Not the nicest thing to happen in the middle of dinner.  Éowyn was nonplussed by it all and was none the worse for her incident.  This was the second time in a week that she had bitten a large chunk of food (the first was a baby ricecake last Thursday) and choked, fortunately I have been on hand both times and have not panicked but it is quite upsetting and Lucinda finds it especially so.  We are being extremely careful now with the kind of foodstuffs that she is being given.

As you may recall from the last entry Éowyn’s Great-Great Auntie Iris passed away and Thursday was her funeral.  So although it was nice to see the family and Éowyn got to see her Nanny Fran, it was a shame that it was under such circumstances.  We were a little concerned taking Éowyn to the funeral service as she is a little young to persuade her to behave but we had needn’t fretted.  She slept through the service at the crematorium, which was a little embarrassing since she takes after her dad and snores.  So when the minister asked all to take a minute to reflect on Auntie Iris and pray silently, all that could be heard was the dulcet tones of Éowyn‘s snoring.  I think that Auntie Iris would have found it amusing as a number of people suppressed their sniggering.

She was a good tonic for the people there and a nice distraction.  During the memorial service she was as good as gold, except for continually tapping her Auntie Liz on the back causing her to turn around.  Then at the wake, she crawled around the hall, trying to escape from her daddy and hoping for people to drop crumbs off their plates.  She also begun to say the two words that we have longed to hear: ‘Momomomomomom’ and ‘Dadadadadadadadadadad’.  Well not quite the words but definitely the sounds.  She also got to meet some of the relatives that she hadn’t as yet had the opportunity to meet, including her first cousin once removed Mark and her first cousin twice removed, my first cousin once removed Ray and his wife Pat (that is if I have followed this table correctly).  She also received a couple of presents a nursery rhyme book from her Great Uncle Michael and Great Auntie Yvonne and a hand-knitted doll from her first cousin twice removed Pat.  She is a very lucky little girl to have such generous relatives.  Thank you!

We stayed the night at Nanny Fran’s so that they could have an extended play time, which I am not sure who enjoyed the most.  We also visited her Great-Grandma and for the first time took her to place some flowers on my dad’s grave, her Granddad Vic, for what would have been his 63rd birthday; not that it means anything to her at the moment but more for Lucinda and me.

To complete the triumvirate our next door neighbours, Cliff and Vicky had a baby boy in the early hours of Thursday morning.  Congratulations to them and welcome to the world little one.

In this hectic week of births, deaths and marriages Éowyn has also begun to pull herself up on furniture.  The first time was just before the last update on the 27th May and then nothing for a couple of days, but now she is constantly pulling herself upon and standing for quite a while.  She has taken a tentative step or two but it has, so far, always thrown her off balance but nappies are great shock absorbers for little bottoms.  I don’t think it will be too long before she is walking.  We are not ready!  Keep an eye on this space.

Peace and Love


Forward Motion!

Éowyn’s development is coming on leaps and bounds and her personality is becoming more defined with each passing day.  She is very curious, slightly vain (she likes to look at herself in the mirror  – although that could be due in part to curiosity), puts in just enough effort to attain her goal, loves her food and finds silly things highly amusing.  Above all she is most precocious, a family girl and likes her routine.  This week she has demonstrated all of the above.

Wednesday marked her cousin Maddy’s 7th birthday so a roast dinner and birthday cake was in order around Nan and Granddad’s.  Éowyn joined us at the kitchen table and enjoyed her own (liquidised) roast dinner, a little bit of chicken breast and a selection of vegetables.  She also impressed Nan and Granddad with her new skill:  Crawling forwards!

For a number of weeks, she has been able to crawl backwards, but over the last weekend that has developed into forward motion.  Initially it was a couple of tentative steps (if that is the right word) followed by a 180° turn and the easier backward crawling method.  So with an air of training mom and dad encouraged the forward motion with the carrot of a bottle of milk.  Taking after her parents the promise of food was all the encouragement she needed and forward motion was achieved.  Now there is no stopping her, and we have discovered how un-childproof our house it.  She is into everything, and whatever is in reach is instantly tasted to see if it is edible.  She, however, only exerts just enough energy to achieve her goal.  If she is crawling after something lying on the floor, she will crawl to within 6 inches or so of the object and then dive forwards, stretching her arms out to grab it and drag it back towards her, rather than crawl all the way.

Thursday is Songs, Stories and Rhymes at Egham Library.  Although Éowyn does enjoy her nursery rhymes (especially row, row, row your boat and head, shoulders, knees and toes) this week she seemed a little non-plussed by some of it, preferring instead to show off her new found skill, crawling around the other mothers to have a look at the other babies.

Friday was the wedding of friends of mine Nick and Kirsty (you can link to their blog under the ‘Sites of Interest’ column on the right, The Whirly Wheelers).  So that we could attend, Nanny Fran kindly agreed to take a day off work and baby-sit for her.  It has been a while since Mom has spent so much time with her, and obviously she could see how much that she had not only grown, but also developed.  Éowyn was very content to play with her Nan and show off her new skills.  In marked contrast to Nanny’s Fran’s last visit when Éowyn seemed to be upset that Nanny Fran was in her house rather than in West Bromwich.  That I think was just part of her growing awareness and trying to associate people with places.

I think that Éowyn was aware that something was happening, though and as mom and dad got ready and Nanny Fran tried to get her ready for bed she began to cry.  If we went into her, she would stop but would start again as soon as we left.  Mom assured us that she would be alright as she could see the obvious concern in our eyes and as we left the house Éowyn gave up the struggle and succumbed to the arms of Morpheus.  It was one of the hardest things to do, to leave your crying daughter to go out and enjoy yourself, however Mom put our minds to rest with the aid of a picture text message of Éowyn peacefully sleeping in her cot.  Thanks Mom!

Nick and Kirsty’s wedding was excellent, Kirsty looked beautiful but I think that she was upstaged by her son George who held court on the dancefloor (see photos below).   Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and the live band were excellent, only topped by the hog-roast!  We wish Nick and Kirsty all the best for their future lives together.

Love and peace
