Are you hanging up a stocking on your wall?

Ten points in the Christmas pop trivia quiz for anyone that knows which Christmas ditty the title is from.  Well done, treat yourself to a mince pie and a nip of your favourite Christmas tipple!

This is more than likely the last update before Christmas as I still have Christmas shopping to do and Christmas cards to write, although the Bagnall Christmas message will automatically appear at noon on the 23rd December 2010 and I will try to squeeze a full update in before the New Year to give you all a post-Christmas debrief.

I may still have cards to write and shopping to do, but the tree is up and decorated and Christmas dinner is organised (thanks Nan and Granddad!).  At least Amélie has something that Éowyn never had for her first Christmas: a Christmas tree.  If you cast your mind back to December 2008, we were so disorganised that by the time we came to buy our tree there were none, so poor Éowyn spent her first Christmas treeless.  It doesn’t seem to have affected her and to be fair this is the first year that she has begun to understand that there is something going on and it is likely to be favourable.

We have been trying to introduce Éowyn to the ideas of Christmas (from a secular rather than religious point of view) and as part of that she has her first chocolate advent calendar (a Peppa Pig one) and a Christmas stocking to hang on her bedpost on Christmas Eve.  She likes the Christmas Tree and the various Christmas ornaments that have made their way down from the loft and we have been reading a number of Christmas stories (although not The Christmas Story) and keep telling her that Santa will bring her presents if she is a good girl.  Next it is Christmas songs, bring out the Slade!  Not sure which of the above is the worst.

You will be pleased to know that although Toy Story 3 is still a firm favourite Éowyn will now ask for Shrek, The Lion King and Little Mermaid.  Now we have broken the Toy Story monopoly hopefully we can introduce a number of other films from my extensive collection.  Interestingly I am sure that she is starting to play with her dolls and stuffed animals more since watching Toy Story.  It is perhaps a case of fiction leading reality that somehow a film made from a childlike imagination is sparking the imagination of my child.  I quite like that.

As I mentioned in my last update, Amélie has been diagnosed with Cows Milk Protein Intolerance.  This has not been clinically proven but since we have switched to the milk powder substitute she has seemed a lot happy and will down her bottle of milk in minutes.  Confirmation that it seems to be having a positive effect came from her latest weigh-in which, although she is not creeping up the centile chart, she has at least followed the centile line that she is currently on.  In plain English, she has put on the expected amount of weight this week for the first time in a month.  It is more than likely that it will be after Christmas before we see the dietician but our greater worry is ensuring that we have enough milk powder to see us through the festive period.  We are putting pressure on the doctor to prescribe surplus so that we don’t have to keep returning to the them each week.

In light of the reduced pain that she must be in, Amélie has definitely become more alert and is smiling more often.  She likes to sit on her daddy’s lap watching the telly, like Éowyn used to (and indeed still does).  Although this does bring out the little green-eyed monster in  Éowyn who has to sit next to us on the sofa.  I have no problem with that though and it is quite nice to sit on the sofa watching a film with both daughters snuggling into their dad.  I’m just a big old softie!

Lucinda and I both find we are bonding more with Amélie, especially since we are now getting more sleep (me more that Lucinda) and the fact that the little mite is interacting more with us.  She seems to really enjoy smiling and returns a smile from you with a toothless one of her own.  How quick you forget this stage (and all of the early ones) and before you know it they are running around and causing different kinds of mischief.  Each stage is wonderful in its own way but I think that Éowyn is at a perfect age at the moment, especially coupled with her intelligence making her a joy to spend the day with.  Without wishing Amélie’s life away it will be good when they can both play together.  I imagine that Éowyn will try to mother her.

Last week I was struck down with the norovirus.  Well, Lucinda had it first and then I caught it off her.  Along with the usual symptoms I was running a temperature and my body ached, so I took myself off to bed.  Éowyn wondering where Daddy is, wanders upstairs.  I am asleep under the duvet when I am woken by a giggles and Éowyn sitting under the duvet next to my head.  ‘Shh,’ she says, ‘We’re in a camp.’  Even when you are feeling sorry for yourself that is funny!  Lucinda came upstairs looking for her and she whispers to me: ‘Shh, daddy.  We’re hiding from Mommy.’   Definitely makes you feel better.

Well those Christmas cards won’t write themselves so I will bid you adieu.  Pop by if you can for the Christmas wishes on the 23rd and I will aim to do an update around the 29th/30th.  I trust that you all have a fabulous Christmas and if I don’t see you before see you in 2011.

Love and Peace


November comes and November goes, with the last red berries and the first white snows

When I chose that quote by Clyde Watson a couple of weeks ago for the last post in November (didn’t quite make that), I had no idea how portentous it would be.  The heaviest November snow for 17 years, the coldest November temperature since 1985.  Looks like we could be in for a cold winter.

Currently I am on three days weeks.  No, we have not returned to the dark days of the 1970’s (well not yet anyway) but because I am trying to use up my annual leave before the end of the year.  Not as easy as you might think.  And not actually as enjoyable as you may think.  It is great to spend more time with the family but I have to try to squeeze 5 days of work into 3.  OK, put the violins away.

Our health visitor, Kate, has continued her visits to see how Amélie is progressing.  As you know, Amélie has been quite disturbed, very sicky and colicky since birth.  Trying to track it down means eliminating one thing at a time.  Although this may sound like we are just trying to have an easy ride and it is something that all babies go through, Amélie’s weight chart tells a different story.  When Amélie was born she was in the 75th centile, this has progressively dropped, so although she is putting on weight it is not at the rate one would expect.  In fact, she is now below the 50th centile and still hasn’t broke through the 5kg barrier.  This obviously is concerning us, and we have been in regular contact with Kate about this.  Unfortunately, with all these diet related things you have to keep trying to eliminate what it is by trial and error.  Hence we have used Infacol, Colief, Gaviscon, Breast Milk, Formula, different manufacturers bottles, different teats all to no avail.  After consulting with a dietician Kate (and we) believe Amélie to be Milk Protein Intolerant.

Cow’s Milk Protein Intolerance is different to Milk allergies, and Lactose intolerance and is something that the majority of babies grow out of by the age of three.  It currently means that Amélie has to have artificial milk powder given on prescription.  If Lucinda wants to continue to breast feed it would mean cutting out all milk protein from her diet.  No milk, cheese and yoghurts as well as food such as chocolate, biscuits and cakes for they also contain milk protein.  For Amélie’s and Lucinda sake it is probably much safer to stick to one source.  We are still giving her Gaviscon in the feeds since her stomach has more than likely been inflamed by 8 weeks of milk protein and the Gaviscon will hopefully ease the pain of eating.  We have to say that the support given to us by Kate has been fantastic.  She has maintained the perfect balance of giving us space but being there to assist and proffer advice.

Éowyn on the other hand is thriving.  She astounds us daily with the things she comes out with.  She seems to know a new word every day.  She has also discovered Toy Story (1, 2 and 3!).  At least it is a change from CBeebies and I have no problems sitting and watching a Toy Story film.  I have tried her with other Disney, Pixar and Dreamworks films such as The Little Mermaid, Shrek, Finding Nemo but it is always: “Éowyn not like this.  Toy Story please daddy.”  Must keep persevering.

She picks phrases and actions off us (we have to be careful) as well as off the TV.  We are sure that she has started to use the word gorgeous from us.  She has definitely picked us sign language from the T.V. programme: ‘Something Special‘.  She will quite often sign phrases from the show.  However she doesn’t always use them in the appropriate place.  Éowyn was saying that Mommy was gorgeous and then Daddy was gorgeous when Lucinda said ‘No, daddy is handsome’.  Éowyn then repeated ‘Daddy is hamster’ and signed hamster.  Nearly right!

She is a little comic though.  We were in Lucinda’s car when she drove over a speed bump, Éowyn immediately said ‘It’s just like the Ninky Nonk!’ Referring to the bumping train in the programme ‘In the Night Garden’.  She is also liable to over-dramatising.  She has already come out with the phrase ‘I have been sad all day!’  And will often pout her lips and fold her arms if things aren’t going her way.  She does, however, try to be useful around the home.  She will take plates and cups into the kitchen and woe betide anyone who takes their own plate out when it is her job!.  She threw a strop the other day when I got up to take my cup out.  ‘OK’ I said, ‘Éowyn can do it.’

‘No, Daddy I can’t.’ she replied through her tears.

‘Why?’ I asked.

‘Because I’m crying’ she answered.

Éowyn enjoyed shoe shopping for the first time recently.  We bought her a pair of winter shoes and a pair of winter boots (size 7 1/2 now!).  Her shoes are more expensive that I pay for myself!  When she was trying the shoes on in Clarks she walked over to the bag section and picked up a Peppa Pig bag to walk around with.  She is starting early!  Her boots are cool though with red flashing leds down the side that are triggered on every heel strike.  I am a sucker for flashing lights, I’m sure that’s why I got into telly!

So with winter truly upon us  (Although we have had barely an inch of snow around these parts, mores the pity!) and Christmas around the corner there may plenty of chances for her to wear them but perhaps not so many updates between now and the end of the year.  Hopefully Éowyn will understand Christmas a little more.  She has a book about Rudolph at the North Pole so I have been reading that to her so she has a bit of a feel for who Santa is and why there is a sleigh pulled by reindeer.  We hope to put the tree up on Monday while she is at Jo’s and then it will start to feel Christmassy.

So I will leave you to your festive merrymaking (and shopping – do it online so much easier!) and hope to squeeze at least one more update in before Chirstmas. And a quick get welll soon to my sister Mary who is an early victim of the snow and ice, slipping and breaking her elbow.  Hope it heals quickly!

Peace and love


To sleep: perchance to dream

Ay, there’s the rub! The updates have been non-existent for the last couple of days partly due to spending a bit more time together as a family, partly because we haven’t done too much that is worthy of an update and partly due to lack of sleep caused by a little one that has been crying throughout the night.  Last night, in fact was the first night that both Lucinda and I got a full (ish) night’s sleep.  We have been told that her current crying is probably due to the antibiotics that Lucinda is taking and that when the course has finished (which is today) then to see if there is a change in Amélie’s crying pattern.  We have been carrying on with the Colief and Infacol though and hope that it has helped to a certain extent and fingers crossed when the antibiotics have worked their magic things may calm down.  They have to, I am back to work next week!

So what have we been doing the past few days?  Nothing hugely exciting it has to be said.  Adjusting as a family, trips to see Nanny and Granddad and a myriad of those little jobs around the house including repairing the shower pump! (I am sure that houses react to the amount of attention you bestow.  The more attention you give the more little (and big) things go wrong or need replacing, and it is not just that you notice them, as per the shower pump example.  It is relatively new (although out of warranty) but decided to choose this week to go wrong.)  Yes, while Lucinda was having a shower and myself and Éowyn were sitting on the sofa we noticed a dripping coming from the ceiling.  The shower pump had sprung a leak.  It was a good job that I was off and my basic plumbing skills now mean that it has all been isolated and just waiting for a spare part to fix it.

We have had a steady stream of visitors, mainly friends as most of the family saw Amélie in her first week.  Amélie, apart from the crying, is growing well.  The Health Visitor came today (as we have been discharged by midwifery care) and performed a hearing test (she passed with flying colours) and weighed her.  She is now 3.9kgs (8lbs 9.5oz) so putting on weight at a good rate (above her birth weight in two weeks) sitting in the 75th centile.  The Health Visitor was also enamoured with Éowyn (who wouldn’t be).  For she was very chatty and busy (drawing and pretending to go shopping) while the Health Visitor was there.  Éowyn also insisted on doing her flash cards (16 different words she now recognises) and the Health Visitor was amazed (especially since Éowyn is not even two yet!)  She said she couldn’t wait to go back to the office and tell her colleagues.  Which was nice.

Éowyn has also been settling in to the idea that Amélie is not going anywhere.  We did have a couple of nights of a little resistance when we put her to bed.  She was finding it hard to understand that Amélie was going to spend the night in mommy and daddy’s room and she wasn’t, touch wood, that has now gone.  She also seemed a little subdued for a week but again that seems to have passed.  All the time though she has been wonderful around Amélie.  She will help you when you are changing Amélie, she will try to calm her when she is crying and she enjoys holding her, except when she starts crying and then Éowyn will look at you with eyes that say ‘Please daddy, she is too noisy!’  I think that Lucinda is dreading the day I go back to work!  As since I was not the winner of £113,019,926 on Friday’s Euromillions then it is to work that I must return, but before that there is a small matter of Éowyn’s second birthday on Sunday.

So I will leave you now and give Lucinda a break and expect at least one more update before I return to work.

Peace and love
