The Badger Moot 2012 – Part One

As regular readers of this blog will know once a year the descendants of Granddad Badger hire the Puncknowle Manor Estate in the Bride Valley, West Dorset for a week’s holiday and a chance to catch up on all the family news.  It might sound like hell to some families but I think to a man (and woman) the descendants (and partners) of Granddad Badger look forward to the annual pilgrimage to the country.  This year there were even some Badgers there (despite the threat of a Badger cull), Uncle John and Auntie Margaret flew in from Sydney, Australia for the 2012 Badger Moot.

This is the ninth annual moot and I think it gets bigger very year (we, personally have added two new members) and this year there were 20 adults and 7 (and a half) children, which I believe was a record turnout.  Unfortunately not everyone can make it for the the full week (work commitments can get in the way) and I was not exempt from this issue.  Work, as regular readers know, is very busy at the moment and the weekend of the Badger Moot coincided with one of the busiest weekends of the season, and my presence was required in quite a fraught weekend. However with Lucinda still recovering from her appendectomy and our entire support team (i.e. the family) down in Dorset it was not an option for her to stay at home and for us to arrive as a family on the Monday.  Therefore, I took the Friday off and drove the 125 miles or so to Puncknowle.

The holiday officially starts Friday afternoon as we can get into the house from around 3pm so the remainder of the afternoon and evening tends to get eaten up by arriving, unpacking and preparing the evening meal (Thanks Uncle Bill and Auntie Sally) rather than visiting any of the usual haunts and it is an opportunity to catch up on family news.  It is also an opportunity for the cousins to explore the house and set up their dens for the week.  Éowyn has always enjoyed playing with her older cousins and gets excited whenever she gets an opportunity to play with them and her little sister is no different.  So a week of having them ‘on tap’ was a week of bliss for both of our daughters.  And in fairness to the older cousins they are brilliant with both Éowyn and Amélie even if though there is quite a large age gap they involve them in their games and have a huge amount of patience with them.

So just as everyone arrived and begun to settle in I had to wake early on Saturday morning and drive the return 125 miles or so straight to work to put in a full shift.  While I was having a difficult work weekend the remainder of the Badger Clan begun the week of fun.  Saturday morning saw them disperse to various places in the vicinity including the traditional Saturday morning jaunt to Bridport Market to see what bargains lay to be discovered.  Unfortunately for Lucinda Éowyn decided that she didn’t what to really be there and since there was no pushchair seat for her then she was going to play merry hell.  So far from a pleasant mooch around a Dorset street market it became a battle of wills with a four-year old, which I think Éowyn won.

Saturday night saw the first of two fancy dress nights: an Hawaiian theme.  Everyone dressed up a number with genuine Hawaiian shirts bought in Hawaii.  Unfortunately I could not wear mine as I was busy working 125 miles away, well I suppose I could have but it wouldn’t have been the same.  I also missed Uncle John and Auntie Margaret’s Thai Green curry and the traditional quiz night.  This year saw the older generation versus the young generation with age and experience taking the honours.  Due to my ability to absorb trivia I am usually banned from competing in the quiz night and thus have become the family quizmaster putting my general knowledge to good use, although this year may have been different.

Sunday morning saw a very traditional English pastime, indeed during the Middle Ages it was law that every man over the age of 14 should spend 2 hours a weekend supervised by the local clergy doing exactly what had been arranged by Lucy for the Badger Moot 2012.  She had arranged for a morning of archery lessons for the family at the Manor and I was probably more disappointed to miss this than the Hawaiian and quiz evening.  Everyone seemed to have enjoyed it with John and Lucy being the most adept with Lucinda admitting to being one of the worst.  Maybe next time.

Monday afternoon I arrived back in Puncknowle for the rest of the week.  We spent the afternoon round the house before heading to Weymouth for this year’s ghost walk.  In 2009 we took a ghost walk around Dorchester with our guide Alistair dressed in full Victorian regalia.  We enjoyed the way he told the stories, in fact he toned the stories down that night when he realised that he was scaring the kids a little too much, so we booked him again this year for a trip around Weymouth harbour (not Melcombe Regis – we don’t want any misunderstanding on that matter).  He met us at the Boot pub dressed as 16th century pirate and took us for a hike around the sights of the old harbour.  This year the kids were not as scared and Finley challenged him on many aspects of his stories.  Indeed Éowyn joined in the banter, when began to tell us of a submarine shipwreck in the harbour and the ghostly noises heard by divers exploring the wreck.  ‘I know what noises they heard,’ she said, ‘Woo-oo‘ she continued without waiting for an invitation to reply.  We had been concerned that she may get a little scared by the stories and were prepared to leave if it came to it but Éowyn loves her stories and that is exactly how she saw the trip and the anecdote above just illustrates how much she enjoyed it.

Tuesday was my first full day there and so we headed to probably our favourite place in the area: Lyme Regis.  It is a beautiful town on the edge of Dorest with a little sandy beach at the edge of the main pebbly beach.  We bought the girls buckets and spades and after a couple of lessons off Granddad we happily making sandcastles.  As you can see from the photos below it was not exactly pleasant, it was dry which was a bonus, but a little on the cold side so the coats and wellies stayed on.  Tuesday was also our day to cook so we left mid-afternoon to head back to prepare the Mexican themed meal, O.K. Fajitas and Chilli, for the 20 adults and 7 children.

The next day was Halloween and our second fancy dress party of the week.  Everyone put so much effort into the night and their costumes that I have decided that it deserves an update all of its own.  So please click here to read about the day and more importantly look at the many photos of the night.

That left one day of our holiday.  2012 was the year that London hosted the Olympic and Paralympic games but London wasn’t the only venue to host events. Weymouth harbour hosted the off-shore sailing competitions and to take advantage of the expected influx of visitors Sealife built a tower and observation pod at Festival pier to carry up to 69 people 174 feet (53 metres) above Weymouth bay for fantastic views of the area.  The great thing about this attraction for the Bagnall family is that the tower is operated by Sealife, which in turn is owned by the Merlin Entertainments Group which means that we could use our Merlin pass for free entry.  The view from the top is spectacular and we were lucky that it was a bright and clear day and we could see miles of coastline and many of the landmarks of the area.

After lunch we headed to Weymouth’s sandy beach for more sandcastle building and splashing in the sea.  Before we headed for the Manor house and packing up to leave we asked the girls if they wanted a ride on a donkey.  Éowyn was initially up for it but when we got there it was Amélie that was the most excited and Éowyn changed her mind.  So it was Amélie that took a trip down the beach on a donkey and indeed when the ride was over she got all upset thinking that daddy’s three pound meant that she could keep the donkey. ‘My donkey!‘ she screamed as we dragged her from the beach and back to the car.  Cruel parents.

And so our annual trip to Dorset ended with a late night journey back home so that I could return to work on the Friday morning. It is quote often said that you need a holiday to get over a holiday, in many ways it didn’t feel like I got a holiday but nevertheless it was great to spend some time with Lucinda and girls, even if it was a bit of a rush.

Please feel free to click here for the Halloween write up and the photos.

Peace and Love



The clocks go back

The last Sunday of October always heralds the advent of winter, the annual flip back to Greenwich Mean Time and darker nights.  It can be no later than it was this year, Halloween, but it still doesn’t sweeten the fact that end of another year is hurtling into view.   The end of British Summer Time usually means an extra hour in bed, but as anyone with small children will confirm the juvenile circadian rhythm is oblivious to the precepts of the human construct of hours, minutes and seconds, especially for anyone under the age of 13!.

Quite possibly, some of you may have noticed that October 2010 contained 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays and you may have received an e-mail or a well-meaning associate may have informed you that this combination only occurs once in 823 years.  If you still have it, take a peek at your 2004 calendar or indeed wait until you receive your 2021 calendar you will find that the Octobers of those years also have 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays.  Indeed any month that has 31 days has three consecutive days that occur five times that month.  Don’t believe me?  Check your calendar out.  ‘Ah!’ I hear you cry, ‘But not Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays!’  Look at January 2010 I cry back!  It is not as rare as you think.  Coincidentally October 2004 was the month that Lucinda and I met, but enough of these temporal tidbits and horometrical hypothesizing and back to the matter in hand.

I have now been back at work for a fortnight and although it is difficult spending all day at work then coming back home and helping look after the kids and the house, I think that Lucinda has had the harder task. Looking after two small children on your own is not easy and work, though manic, is not in the same league as looking after two small children.  At least I get to have adult conversations (most of the time) and don’t have think and do everything for others, OK at least I don’t have to feed them!

Michaelmas half term, is traditionally the time of the great Puncknowle family holiday and this year was no different, except that the Bagnalls were not there.  Unfortunately as I have only just returned to work and the latest addition is not a month old we decided not to go (at least there would be another bedroom available for others).  However this meant that there was no close family support for Lucinda, something that did concern me.

A solution did present itself though.  My sister had already taken the week of half term off as holiday and with my mom still not back at work a trip to Nanny Fran for my girls beckoned.  This meant that Lucinda had some support, my mom and sister got to spend some time with the kids and I could spend a week concentrating on work trying to catch up with thousands of e-mails I had received whilst off on paternity leave.  I think that it all helped and by both of us recharging our batteries (in different ways) it makes the challenge of raising two children seem a little easier.

It helps too that Amélie, is increasingly sleeping between feeds, especially at night.  Not every feed and not every night but enough for us (and by that I mainly mean Lucinda) to be able to grab 2 to 3 hours of sleep between feeds.  Hopefully this can only get better.

As I mentioned in the opening paragraph, this last weekend was Halloween.  Éowyn, being the popular child that she is, was invited to two Halloween parties.  Hence she needed an outfit, please see below for her Pumpkin outfit!  Amélie had to have one too, but I think she is a little young to appreciate it!

Éowyn’s speech is extremely well-developed, she strings quite complex sentences together and apes whatever she hears.  You have to be conscious of this, especially if cursing but with any colloquialisms, because Éowyn will repeat it a couple of days later, much to your horror.  She is also very adept at reading.  OK, I say reading she recognises some words (17 on her flash cards – and a number in books) but she will pick up books and point to the words and read them out.  Whether this is reading, or just excellent recall is debatable but nevertheless she will pick books up, point at the words she knows and read them aloud.  She will turn the pages, and either recall the story that you have previously read to her, or make one up using the pictures.  Sometimes the story that she retells is completely different to that in the book, but they always make sense and with regards to some of the ‘In the Night Garden’ books her stories are quite often far better.

OK, it has been a while so I will stop there and let you enjoy the photos.

Peace and love
