Amélie’s First Birthday

How time flies, the second update in just over a week celebrates the fact that our second child is now one year old.  It doesn’t seem five minutes since we were in the car heading to St. Peter’s, managed to lay claim to the last bed in the labour ward and after a relatively short labour, we held her in our arms for the first time.

In some ways the second child is easier: you know what you are doing (OK that is never true – you are just a little less paranoid about what you may be doing wrong); the skills that you had trouble mastering are now old hat (nappy changing, maintaining a semblance of normality on 3 hours sleep and making up bottles at 03:00!) and you have all the paraphernalia (or at least the ones that you have found to be useful).

Then in other ways it is more difficult: Adults may understand and forgive you your grumpiness or lack of attention due to weeks of disturbed sleep, a 2 year old doesn’t; adults may understand that a new born needs love and affection and a feed every few hours, a 2 year old doesn’t and adults more easily accommodate the fact that there is another member of the family, a 2 year old doesn’t.

In fairness to Éowyn, she has actually accommodated to the new arrival that is her little sister extremely well.  Although it probably helps that Amélie has yet to invade her last bastion of refuge: her bedroom.  Amélie still sleeps in our bedroom, mainly because she still wakes at 0530 every day for her first bottle of the day.  Hopefully this will not last much longer and then we will be able to move the girls in together, for as it currently stands it would not be fair on Éowyn not only to move her sister into her room, but also to move a sister that is also an alarm clock that cannot be set for a later time!

So, in addition to the above, what have we learned this year?  I think the major lesson we can take from 2011 is the fact that no two children are the same.  Amélie is far more laid back than Éowyn.  Without wishing to compare, Éowyn was a lot more advanced than Amélie at the same age.  This is partly due to Amélie’s milk protein intolerance, which must have made her life hell for the first few months, which meant that there was not as much time for play in those early weeks and partly because we have has so much work done to the house that there has not been the space for her to practise and exercise those muscles.  I also think this laid back nature also comes from the fact that because she always has a big sister vying for attention so she is not as precious about being the centre of attention, for unlike Éowyn, she never has been (not in a nasty way, simply because Éowyn was the only child and therefore had the undivided attention of two parents through her formative years).

We also have learned the benefit and strength that can be taken from a supportive and understanding health visitor.  Amélie’s milk protein intolerance would not have been diagnosed so quickly without her support and I think that Lucinda and I would have gone insane with the powerlessness that we were experiencing with her over those first few months.  To have some fighting the system from the inside and not just insisting that it was colic or wind or ‘just get on with it that is what babies do’ was a huge boon.  So thank you Kate!

And what have we lost this year?   The ability to have a lie in.  As mentioned above Amélie is like clockwork waking up for her first feed at 0530 (if you are lucky) and sometimes she will not settle afterwards.  Lucinda has done the vast majority of those for she has been on maternity leave and I have been working (usually getting up not long after), however now Lucinda has returned to work then this will be shared more evenly especially when some of Lucinda’s shifts start at 0500!  If she would only sleep for another hour she would be the perfect baby, but I suppose those don’t exist – or grow into terrible toddlers!

The only other thing that we have lost this year is weight.  Both myself and Lucinda have been dieting since May and I now weigh (a lady never reveals her weight so Lucinda’s goals can remain secret) 4 stone (for Americans: 56lbs for everybody else: 25.4kgs) less than when Amélie was born and 3 stone (42lbs, 19kgs) less than in May!  As, I am sure you can appreciate, I am very pleased with this and now the real challenge begins of maintaining that weight loss.  Scarily I am 5 stone (60lbs/31.75kgs) lighter than my peak weight in April 2009.  I will no longer be the fat dad at the school gate!

The weekend before Amélie’s birthday, Nanny Fran, Auntie Liz and Auntie Mary came down to visit.  It was going to be a good chance for me to meet up with them too, since the last time they came down I was working.  Unfortunately due to the issues we have been having at work I had to work that day also, so once again I missed them.  However, it was nice for the girls to see the Bagnall side of the family and they will all be coming down in a couple of weeks to see Éowyn on her birthday!  So I will catch up then.

So what did we do to celebrate Amélie’s first birthday?  As the weather was unseasonably warm on her birthday (28°C – in fact the 1st October was the warmest day ever recorded in the UK (29.9°C) even though that was followed by the first snowfall on the mountains of Scotland less than a week later!) we decided to head to Peppa Pig World.  Fortunately we decided to book our tickets on line.  What a stroke of luck that was for we discovered that Peppa Pig World is now closed on Tuesday and Wednesdays (Amélie’s birthday was on Wednesday).  No fear we thought we’ll go to Legoland and use our Merlin passes again.  While we were on line we thought that it was probably a good idea to check out the opening ties in case they have changed now the kids are back at school.  Foiled again.  Legoland is also closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays!  Where were we going to go?  We asked Éowyn where she would like to go.  ‘The Jungle to see some animals‘.  Was the reply.  So a zoo it was.  Lucinda suggested Whipsnade and the decision was made.

We were quite impressed with Whipsnade.  It is huge (the UK’s biggest zoo) over 600 acres and the animals have plenty of room to run about.  It was so big and the day was so nice that we didn’t managed to see all of it.  We did manage to see a quite impressive bird display, the sea lion display and the penguin feeding.  Éowyn wanted to see the lions (which were asleep about six feet from the viewing window which was fantastic) and tigers and bears (oh, my!) which we managed to do with the obligatory hike in between before she suddenly started to cry.  I asked her why she was crying, ‘I want to stroke something,‘  she said.  Lions and tigers and bears (Oh, my!) are not the kind of animals you can really stroke (however much I would like to) so we trotted off to the petting zoo where she happily chased after sheep, goats and llamas!  Amélie was rather nonplussed by it all, even though it was her birthday treat!  We returned from Whipsnade ahead of the rush hour to one of Nanny’s roast dinners which was the perfect ending to her birthday.

And so our littlest one has completed her first year and we prepare for Éowyn’s third birthday.  Yes, third birthday! Which seems a scary concept for again it doesn’t seem five minutes since we welcomed her into our world and this website began!

Also in the news: Lucinda has returned to work, so Amélie has begun to go to Jo’s (our childminder) and the real juggling of work, child minder, pre-school and the rest of life begins.  I have taken some days off work to help with this transition but we have no illusions that this is not going to be easy but hey, who said that life is easy?  Fortunately our uxorilocal residence means that we can take advantage of Nanny and Granddad and with Lucinda’s brother just round the corner, we have a very handy matrilocal support team.

Before I leave I’d just like to say congratulations to Ollie and his wife Callula on the birth of their daughter Lexi Annabel, welcome to the world Lexi.

Love and Peace


Don’t worry Daddy, it wasn’t a wee; it was just a fart!

You may be forgiven for thinking that I am falling out of love with this project as the frequency of updates has dropped significantly of late.  There was a strong start to the year but it has certainly lessened of late.  Is it the fact that I have reached the century and sat back upon my laurels?  Nothing quite as prosaic; the culprits are simply the combination of work pressures and wanting to spend time with the family.  Work is a necesary evil and this website wouldn’t be this website if I didn’t want to spend time with the family, but with the long winter nights drawing in and Éowyn back at pre-school then there may be more activity in the coming months.

So what has happened through the month of September so far?  The month started as it has done for the last 45 years with Lucinda’s brother’s birthday.  To celebrate this singular event (note for younger readers: In 1949 RCA Victor produced the first seven inch vinyl discs and because of their five minute recording length became the de facto format for singles.  They revolved at 45rpm, hence the pun) the greater Cathrall clan headed into Windsor for a chinese meal.  It was good to all get together but I now appreciate the a couple of things slightly more than I did.  The first is how difficult it is to enjoy a meal and hold sensible adult conversations while you have one eye on one child (and encouraging her to eat) while you are bouncing the other on your knee.  However it does lead to the second: the appreciation of the invention of the chopsticks.  When you only have one hand free they are very useful tools for shovelling copious amounts of chinese food into your mouth.

Then came my first weekend off in two months.  So it was family time and time to concentrate on sorting the finishing touches to our decoration and on helping Éowyn with her toilet training.  Bar a couple of accidents she has done really well so far and wouldn’t even dream of wearing a nappy in the daytime now.  Ready in time for the start of the new term and her lengthened days.  Last school year she only did two mornings (Mondays and Fridays) at school.  With her approaching the age of three we have decided to increase that to two full days with the idea of introducing a third in 2012.  Our little girl is growing up.  Last year she wasn’t always keen on school and she would often say that she didn’t want to go to school (although she always seemed to enjoy it when she got back and told us what she had been doing that day).  This year she seems full of it and looks forward to it every day.  This is possibly due to the fact that she is doing full days now and so can settle in more rather than just being there for a couple of hours before we came to pick her up.

To celebrate her first day back at school and her migration to ‘big girl’s knickers‘ we decided to pay another visit to Legoland (the Merlin Pass has definitely earnt its money this year).  With many school children back at school Legoland was eerily quiet.  It was fantastic. We decided to head straight to the newest ride (and the one that usually has the longest queue) the Atlantis Submarine Voyage. A combination of ride and aquarium with over 50 species of sharks, rays and fish.  It was fantastic to watch Éowyn’s face as the submarine (or strictly speaking a semi-submersible) glided through the million litre fish tank looking as sharks swam passed the portholes inches from your face.  This was the first time that Éowyn had been out on an extended day trip without wearing a nappy (we were carrying a potty around with us – but being Legoland we didn’t get any strange looks!) and so we were quite conscious of asking her whether she needed to go to the loo. So after the ride we headed to the public conveniences to ensure that it did not slip her mind.  Lucinda and Éowyn were both impressed that the toilets in Legoland had smaller bowls for the younger visitors and so Éowyn didn’t feel at a disadvantage when using it.

It was approaching Amelie’s next meal time, so we headed to one of the eateries and the adults had tea while Éowyn enjoyed a glass of milk and an ice cream.  Then the heavens decided to open.  The UK summer has been particularly bad this year (as predicted by me in May) and so it seems a theme that every visit to Legoland has been a wet one.  This one took that one stage further.  The rain was literally bouncing off the ground and many of the rides closed while the worst of it passed by.  We sheltered for as long as we could  (and managed one more ride) then decided that once again after sampling only two rides we would head back to the car park and thence home.  We are so glad that we invested in a Merlin pass, it doesn’t feel like quite a waste to turn up and go back home before you have exhausted yourself by queueing for every ride.

Sodden, we decided to head home via the local carvery and take advantage of meat and two (well 6) veg and no washing up.  As we got to the restaurant we asked Éowyn if she wanted to use the loo.  So off Lucinda trotted with her.  A little later she is still fidgeting in her seat, so again Lucinda asks her whether she needs to use the loo.  Again, off they trot to the loo.  On her return from the loo and across a semi-crowded restaurant she shouts, ‘Don’t worry Dad, it wasn’t a wee; it was just a fart!‘  As all eyes turn to see who she is shouting at you have to laugh don’t you?  Some people might find it offensive, but hey we have all been there and better that way around than the alternative!

Both of my girls have been on their best behaviours of late.  Éowyn’s recent spell of  good cheer has continued of late and her bad behaviour seems to be behind her and her sojourns to the thinking step have been very few and far between.  Perhaps it is because she is being treated like a big girl with her ‘big girl knickers‘ added to the fact that we have taken the bed guard off her, bought her a new duvet and given her a night light that she can control from her bed.  She is growing up fast.  While Amélie is definitely growing up too.  She crawls around all over the house getting into everything and emptying whatever is in easy reach all over the floor.  The minx!  She is also beginning to make tentative attempts to reach up so it may not be long before she starts to cruise.  Then the trouble really starts! 

Amélie is excellent throughout the day, and has now learnt to settle quickly at night and so by 1930 is usually asleep.  However, her internal bodyclock alarm is set to 0530 and wakes every morning at that time.  It is becoming a little tiresome for she will not go back to sleep after her bottle and if we are not careful her crying wakes Éowyn so it forces us to take her downstairs which means that we are up too!  It is ok for me when I am going to work but poor Lucinda then doesn’t get the chance to go back to sleep for the rest of the day.  Thus by the time I get home, knackered, from work and want to sit and relax, Lucinda is ready for bed because she, too, is knackered.  Not condusive for a great evening.

Lucinda starts back at work at the weekend (something she is obviously not looking forward to) so with that in mind we have begun to introduce Amélie to Jo, Éowyn’s childminder.  Amélie is far more chilled out that Éowyn ever was (that probably says more about us than Éowyn) and was non-plussed with being left with a stranger.  Bodes well for the future.  While Éowyn was quite happy being the big sister looking after her younger sibling.  That is one worry off our minds and Lucinda can concentrate on getting back into the swing of employment.  At least she will be practised at getting up for an early shift!

I will bid you adieu and prepare myself for the fact that my youngest child will be 12 months old next week.

Peace and Love



100,000 hits!

As you may have guessed from the title of this update we have hit a milestone: 100,000 hits!  Yes has received 100,000 views.  This milestone is split over two servers, my original WordPress hosted site (still available as and the new (not so new now as I have been here for nearly a year) privately hosted site that is It took nigh on 19 months to reach the first 50,000 but the readership has obviously increased (as indeed has my frequency of article writing – though not this month!) and the second 50,000 hits have occurred over 17 months, but at this rate it will still take until Christmas 2035 to hit the million mark.  Again as I mentioned at 50,000 hits it maybe only a small milestone that means absolutely nothing in the real word but it feels like a justification for the amount of work that I regularly put into this site.  So thank you all for your interest in the ups and downs of our growing family.

There is also a second milestone linked to this update: the 100th post.  This may sound like the second time that I have reached this milestone but the previous ton that I mentioned included the 9 major event pages.  This is the 100th update since I begun the website, so one hundred little stories of Bagnall life! Again that represents quite an investment in time to sit at a keyboard and pour out the trials and tribulations of parenthood.

This latest update occurs against the busiest time of the year for me at work and the latest phase in our redecoration of the house.  The English Premier League has kicked off, completing the hand of seasons bringing us to full speed.  The start of this season has been considerably easier than the start of last but frankly it couldn’t have been that bad again.  Then again we have not made such a technological leap forward as we did last year, although the spectre of 3D (or stereoscopic to be technologically correct) looms over us in the next couple of weeks.  Saying that we have upgraded two of our studios to HD bringing the last of our areas up to the latest specifications and although there is still a hefty snag list their birth has been relatively pain free.

With the start of the season comes long hours at work and with a new flooring and redecoration comes disruption at home, which is unfair on the little ones.  So in steps Nanny Fran to help.  She was taking a week off work and offered to take Éowyn up to West Bromwich for five days so that Lucy could have half the workload while I was doing such long hours.  So while the fitter was laying our new wooden floor Lucy drove to the relative safety of West Bromwich.  Relative safety was something that seemed a little perverse when the riots that had been affecting mainly the London area spread across many metropolitan areas including West Bromwich.  It is quite often nice to hear your home town mentioned on national television but not when it relates to something as negative as rioting and especially when your wife and two young daughters are in the vicinity with your Mom and kid sister!  Fortunately apart from Poundland and Cash convertors West Bromwich emerged relatively unscathed however due to the positioning of the riots and the police attempting to prevent people from entering the riot area, two motorway junctions were closed.   The two closest to my mom’s and the two that Lucinda knows.  Hence she had a little detour and venture further into the West Midlands to find the way home.

Éowyn had fun at her Nanny Fran’s (it goes without saying) especially since she was centre of attention for a lot of the time but also got to play with Nanny Fran’s other ‘adopted’ grandchildren especially Jonti and Finn.  Days out at the Safari park and soft play areas were high on her list.  Éowyn takes after her dad in that she loves animals.  She is especially fond of big cats, tigers being her favourite.  She can tell the difference between Cheetahs and Leopards something many adults have difficulty with. While at the Safari park she saw white tigers, but not content with this colour variation she insisted that she wanted now to see a black one.  In the same way that white tigers are not albinos (they still have stripes) so black tigers are not melanistic, however whereas many people have seen white tigers (there are some 200 or so world wide), black tigers are almost cryptozoological with only a scattering of reports throughout history, so Finn was quite correct when he replied to Éowyn, “They don’t come in black.”

She also did her family duties and paid visits both to her Great-Grandma and her Great Great Uncle Albert as well as entertaining some of Mom’s friends before heading back home on Saturday morning.

Amélie is really enjoying the new flooring.  The wooden floorboards are not so harsh on her knees and she can slide across them easily.  Although she still has this strange body-popping movement.  Instead of the traditional hands and knees crawling stance she pulls herself forward with her arms and ‘caterpillars’ the rest of her body to make up the distance.  Very cute.  She is also everywhere.  You turn around and she is right behind you or she is emptying her toy box on the floor.  We had forgotten what this stage was like.

We had also had forgotten what a lack of sleep caused by a teething toddler can be like.  Amélie has not had a decent night sleep for a month and a lack of sleep is difficult for everyone involved but I can only talk from my point of view of getting up and going into work, but it must be just as hard for Lucinda when she has the girls all day and Éowyn hasn’t been the most well-behaved of children of late.

I think Éowyn has come to realise that Amélie is here to stay and that means that she gets just a little less attention.  And with me doing long hours, the house being disrupted with workmen and her sister now actively going after her things, I think she decided to exact a little revenge.  She really did enter the terrible twos for at least a fortnight.  I think things have begun to calm down a little now (with handy hints from Super Nanny) but it was not easy, especially when I was only seeing her for an hour or so a day and in that hour I would be making her sit on the thinking step or putting her to bed with no supper.  It was an added stress that wasn’t needed.  However she has been back to her good-hearted nature of late.  Which is a relief for all concerned.

As you can guess from the dearth of good photos below (or should I say dearth of variety of photos below) or even the tales that have been regaled in this write up, life has been a little too work orientated for me and so I have not had the camera out as much or indeed spent too much time with the family which is always a little hard.  So apologies and I will try to do better for next time (and not leave it so long!)

Peace and Love
