The Book Fall

Coinciding with the quiet period at work, I am trying to make amends regarding the paucity of updates on this web site so far this year.  I have always been acutely aware that the website will always play second fiddle (well fourth or fifth fiddle, or second oboe; whatever the orchestral hierarchical equivalent is) to family life and actually creating the memories in the first place.  Nevertheless, I am also acutely aware that many of you enjoy reading about our family life which makes the effort of these updates a little easier.

The end of the academic year is looming into view, so as Éowyn leaves year 1 and Amélie says goodbye to pre-school there are all the end of year activities to enjoy.  The most important of these was the Hollywood Première screening of the film that Éowyn’s after school drama club have been working on for the past term.

Magna Carta Arts Centre in Staines presented the first showing of ‘The Book Fall’ and myself and Éowyn had tickets for the showing; poor Mommy elected to stay behind and look after Amélie and Ezra.  The Sense Theatre had sent out a letter encouraging parents and pupils alike to dress up to try to bring a sense of glamour to the proceedings.  They had laid a red carpet and there was popcorn.  Unfortunately not everyone took it in that spirit.  I was only one of three dads that I could see in a suit and the only one wearing a tie.  The majority of the children had dressed up though, which was nice to see.

The premise of the film is that a school teacher challenges her pupils to read as many books as they can over the summer holiday, a prize given to the pupil that reads the most books.  There are two groups of pupils the swotty, nerdy types who are challenging each other as to how many books they will read, and the non-swotty types who think that reading is boring.  To try to convince the non-swotty types that reading books is fun, the swotty pupils read to the non-scotty pupils and as they begin to read so those sections of the books are acted out by other children.  The books that were filmed were children classics, modern books like Mr Stink to the real classic like The Hobbit, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, 5 Children and It, Oliver Twist and, the book that Éowyn was in, Naughty Amelia Jane by Enid Blyton.

I am not sure how many schools were involved in total but it was a nice idea.  Each group of children could concentrate on a small section of the film which acted as a stand alone play within the overall narrative.  Considering the time constraints, the lack of budget and the fact that it was probably the first time that the majority of the children, had ever acted yet alone acted in front of a video camera I think we have to praise Sense Theatre.  Unfortunately with so many children the 2 hour running time only allowed most children a couple of lines and, if I am being honest, at times it was quite painful.  Nevertheless the children were very excited to see themselves on the big screen and Éowyn’s eyes lit up when she saw herself.

Now I can understand that 2 hours is a lot of film to watch especially when you are only there to see perhaps 20 seconds, the 20 seconds that your child is on-screen, however it is the height of bad manners to whoop and holler while your child is on-screen and then disturb everyone as you leave immediately your child’s last lines have been uttered.  This wasn’t just a select few, out of an audience of close to 250 less than 25 remained at the end.  However, if any of you are desperate to see the complete film we purchased the DVD.  I don’t think that I’ll be sitting through the entirety again, although if Éowyn ever becomes a famous actress it will be come part of the archive video footage.

With the end of the academic year looming into view there is one eye on the next.  To prepare for the next step in their educational progress both girls had an opportunity to spend a morning in their new classes.  For Éowyn, that is a new teacher at a new site but with the same classmates; for Amélie however it is full-time education, at a new school with a completely new set of classmates.  Amélie’s teacher, Miss Snow, seems very friendly but her biggest challenge will be to make new friends.  Fortunately our friend’s girl, Natalie, will not only be at the same school but in the same class.  Therefore Amélie will have one friend in the class.

Unusually Amélie was upset the night before, so we sat down to talk to her thinking that the thought of going to the big school was disturbing her.  It developed that it wasn’t the thought of going to big school per se that was upsetting her but the fact that she wanted to take a packed lunch.  She takes a packed lunch to nursery but every child in full-time education up to the age of 7 is entitled to free school meals in the UK.  Therefore, Amélie (and Éowyn) will both enjoy free school meals this coming school year.

We convinced her to try her school dinner and we would then think about it for when she goes to school in September.  To her credit she happily went to school the next morning.  When we picked her up that afternoon we asked her what she thought of her new school.  She was full of praise saying it was the best day ever and that the best thing was the school dinner which was sausage and mash.  One less thing to worry about!

Sometimes fate gives opportunities at exactly the right time.  Last week was Natalie’s birthday and she had a party at Spelthorne gym.  Since Natalie goes to the nursery at Amélie’s new school many of the pupils and Natalie’s friends will be in her class.  Therefore, it was a good opportunity for Amélie to get to know some of her new classmates, as well as have fun at Spelthorne gym (and it is fun) and celebrate Natalie’s birthday.  It was good to sit and observe Amélie and from watching our second daughter I don’t think that she will have any problems making friends.

The end of school party at Éowyn’s school was slightly unusual, for they had invited Festival Circus to put on a show (3 showings of the same show!) in a big top on the school playing field.  I took the day off work and took the girls while Lucinda stayed behind looking after Ezra and her child-minding ward.  The show was excellent , not completely polished but that was part of the charm. The girls were enthralled and both had different favourites: Éowyn the gymnastic displays on the ropes and Amélie the girl who could simultaneously hula 10 hula hoops.

Lucinda is now on the P.T.A. and as soon as her working day was over she headed over to the school (we had already returned to look after Ezra) to help sell refreshments and tidy up.  The early indications are that it was roaring success and all had a good time.  Hopefully this is the start of turning the school around at least in terms of uniting the P.T.A. and staff into a common goal.

It seems that this write up is all about the girls so it is only fair to regale a couple of stories of our son.  He is on the whole very well-behaved but he does have a couple of cheeky habits.  One is jumping on mommy and daddy’s bed, a game he calls 4,5,6.  Not sure what happened to 1,2,3 but he stands at one end of the bed and shouts 4,5,6 before launching himself forward.  Not something that we want to encourage but it is quite amusing.

He other little quirk that he has at the moment is the nicknames that he has given the girls.  Éowyn he calls ‘A’ (pronounced as the capital – Ay), which is understandable as that is the first syllable of her name.  Therefore if Éowyn is called ‘A’ what do you think Amélie’s nickname is?  ‘Bay’.  So it is ‘Goodnight Ay, goodnight Bay‘ before he totters off to bed.

I will bid you adieu and leave you with the photos, there are plenty of the circus on our Flickr pages if you are interested.

Peace and love




It doesn’t take long for a week off and a holiday in Turkey to fade in the memory as normality and the daily grind come back into view.  The girls returned to school the next day, while I had an extra day off before heading back to the land of Sports Television.  A land of Sports Television over a summer with none of the additional quadrennial events that tend to fill in the gaps between football seasons.  Therefore, my working pattern over the summer resembles some form of normality with free weekends to spend with the family.

Not one to miss these opportunities Lucinda has booked up our weekends for the summer so that we can make the most of them.  The first weekend off saw the family Bagnall head down the road to Windsor.  To the Legoland Windsor resort, to be specific.  Legoland is an ideal destination for the Baguettes since most of the rides and attractions are geared towards their age range.  In addition it is about 9 miles from home, so takes next to no time (depending on traffic) to get there.  It was with this in mind that we decided to use this year’s Tesco vouchers to buy an annual pass to Legoland.  This allows us to ‘pop in’ whenever we like and not feel obliged to spend a whole day with tired children so that we don’t feel like we have not got our money’s worth.

We certainly got our money’s worth on our first visit though.  We were there from just after the park opened until late afternoon.  We were limited on rides though since the Baguettes are still of an age (or height) where they require an adult on the ride with them.  When you have three children that poses some problems.  However, Legoland have this sussed a little with ‘parent swap’.  Effectively, either the parent stays on the ride and swaps children with the other parent, or alternatively the parents and the children swap to save double queueing.  It works and with Ezra still a little too young to go on some of the rides it was very handy.

There were still a number of rides that we could go on as a family however and so we took full advantage of those even if the queues were a tad long at times but that is the problem of going places at weekends when the weather is nice.

June has been quite a pleasant month, weatherwise.  The overall the temperatures have been below what one would expect for the summer month, but there has been little rain (in the South East of the UK at least).  This is both beneficial and a hindrance to the Bagnall household.  The sunshine is great, not just generally (who doesn’t like the sunshine) but also for our electricity generation.  Having bright, sunny days when the days are longest is a definite bonus, despite the ever growing threat of the pigeons that have decided to nest under our panels.

I have always thought of pigeons as rather dumb birds, which is completely undeserved, they have passed many cognitive tests, but the ones nesting on our roof have demonstrated the exception that proves the rule.  Obviously, they have demonstrated some form of intelligence by nesting under our photovoltaic cells, as it offers protection from the elements, and some warmth from the cells themselves.  Nevertheless they have not yet worked out that laying ovoid eggs on a sloping roof is not necessarily a good idea and we have found many broken on the patio and driveway.  More disgustingly that is not all that we have found splatted on our patio and driveway.  So if anyone has a hawk that they would like to exercise over our house I would be very grateful.

The flip side of bright sunny days is the lack of rain, as our water butts can testify.  I am happy for our lawn to change from green to brown however the vegetable patch is another matter.  Our vegetables will not flourish without a daily watering and so we are having to resort to water from the tap.  Even the thunderstorms of last night (110,000 lightning strikes in one night) haven’t replenished the water butts.  What I wouldn’t give for a heavy downpour (sorry to all of you who are enjoying the weather) or a couple of days of rainy weather.  I would have expected the heatwave (if you can call two hot days in row a heatwave, more a heatsplash) to have triggered more thunderstorms over chez Bagnall, apart from the night before’s mega-storm, as it is being labelled, nothing, just uncomfortable nights of sleep and the knowledge that the baguettes have seen the hottest UK day in their lives.

Since the football season has finished, Lucinda has been filling my weekends up.  The first one saw us in Turkey, on holiday so that doesn’t really count.  Then I was back at work for European Qualfiers!  I thought that the football season had ended.

The following weekend saw Lucinda’s ex flat mate, Emma, celebrate her 40th birthday.  She had reserved a room at a pub in Chiswick on the River Thames.  This is where living next door to a baby-sitter and just a short walk from Staines train station comes in handy.  A direct train from Staines to Kew Bridge and a five minute walk saw us at the pub.  a good time was had by all and return by train although requires some time discipline is far cheaper than a taxi.  I think Amélie must have missed us because at 0330 she crept into our bed, I think primarily to ensure that we hadn’t left for the weekend.

Then Lucinda took advantage of not only the fact that I was off at the weekend but also having holiday entitlement to use up and went away on Friday returning Sunday lunchtime.  Not just Sunday but Father’s day but more of that later.  I took the Friday off and took the girls to school, then it was a boys’ day for Ezra and dad.  Nothing too exciting but it was nice to spend some time with him alone.  Friday night is usually movie night but this had already been cancelled so after dinner, the Baguettes and I cuddled up on the sofa and watched Despicable Me 2.

I think the kids were aware of the lack of Mum, and although they weren’t particularly upset about it, it must have played on their minds.  For at about 0200 I felt a little presence creep into bed.  It was Ezra.  Although Ezra has been sleeping in his bed, as opposed to his cot, for many months now he hasn’t really worked out that he could get out when he wanted to.  The drive this night must have helped him realise and he found his way to Daddy.  So while I was giving him a cuddle, before preparing myself to pick him up and put him back in his own bed, in wanders Amélie.  So another child to comfort before finally getting back to sleep.

Before Lucinda had left on the Friday morning she has given Éowyn my Fathers’ day present and got her to write the card in preparation for not being there on the Sunday morning.  Therefore as I put them to bed on the Saturday night, and remembering the night before I told them that as it was Fathers’ day that daddy would appreciate a lie in and no nighttime visitors.  At 0700 É0wyn and Amélie come in with a card and presents and asked if it was too early.  How can you refuse that?

With the approaching end of the academic year and the conclusion of after school clubs it means two things.  The first is the perennial Sports Days.  Éowyn’s school has adopted the new Sports Day standard where there are no individual races as such, it is all relay based races and you are competing for your house.  Éowyn’s house won, so she was over the moon.

Amélie’s was probably even less competitive and every child received a medal – real plastic gold!  Nevertheless Amélie was very proud of her medal, and rightly so.

Éowyn’s after school drama class is coming to an end and that means only one thing – shooting has begun.  Last week Éowyn filmed the first of her scenes for the film that Sense Theatre are producing.  There will be a quick turnaround in post production as the premiere is on Sunday 12th July and there are still scenes to shoot.  Éowyn said it was a little daunting with the lights and the camera lens in view and it took her a little while to relax and deliver her lines.  For anyone that has been in front of the lens I am sure that you can relate.

I can’t wait to see the finished film.  Tickets have been bought for the premiere and the dvd has been pre-ordered.  You never know it could be the start of a promising career.

Before I leave you, this month’s funny word comes from Amélie.  Referring to her brother and sisters madly running around and came in complaining that they were acting like Lunar-pigs.  I think she meant Lunatics but Lunar-pigs or should that be Lunapigs sounds so much better!

Peace and Love


Ezra’s first trip to Foreign Lands

It is that time of year: Half term coinciding with the end of the football season (and the Eurovision Song Contest) and thus the perfect opportunity for a Bagnall family holiday.  Obviously the decision of where we were going was made some months ago.  We wanted somewhere warm, that ruled out the UK!  We wanted all-inclusive and as we were only going away for a week we wanted somewhere relatively close – but affordable.  Not too much to ask you would think.  You would be mistaken!

Yes, that would be true for a family of four not vacating at half term.  Firstly, the profiteering (and it is profiteering from families) that is allowed to happen is outrageous,  the week before and the week after half term can be a third of the price (not a third off the price, a third OF the price) and it priced us out of many of the European countries.  Secondly, holiday lets are geared around families of four or less.  Two parents, two children is the norm and woe betide the families that fall outside of this socially acceptable quota, thou shalt be financially penalised and forced to buy two rooms for your outsized brood.

Hence we effectively had a choice of one resort, the First Choice Holiday Village in Sarigerme, Turkey.  More than we wanted to pay it was nevertheless by far the cheapest available, partly because it also had a number of rooms that slept 5, a double bed and three singles, perfect!  No need to book two rooms! Turkey had never been on our radar as a destination, it is a country with a great history (which the Baguettes are too young to appreciate) however it has made the news in 2015 for negative reasons as a gateway to its neighbour to the East, Syria.  However, Turkey is a big country (the 37th apparently – larger than either France or Ukraine) and Syria is a long way from Sarigerme.

The resort looked good in the glossy brochures but nevertheless it was with an air of trepidation that we begun or journey at 04:00 on a Monday morning.  Although 04:00 is a ridiculous time to start a holiday I was still alert enough to avert a potential diplomatic incident.  At last year’s Staines Upon Thames day, the local estate agents were giving away free ‘bags in a pouch’.  Designed to sit at the bottom of a bag they can expand out to a shopping bag when one is caught short.  I placed mine on my camera bag strap as it is useful as a makeshift weatherproofing during inclement weather, and hadn’t given it much thought during the past year.  Only as I was packing my camera bag in the car did I realise that a purple bag with the word ISIS emblazoned on it was perhaps not the wisest of moves.  ISIS have changed their name to Oasis for the same reason.

The journey to the airport was uneventful and the first experience of valet parking means we will probably pay the premium for this service in the future.  This was Ezra’s first trip to foreign climes (I don’t think I am allowed to count last year’s trip to Wales!) and his first journey on a plane.  Did we need to be concerned about our boy?  Or for that matter our girls, who, although have been on flights before, had not travelled this way for three years.  No, we did not.  The iPads kept them distracted on take off and Ezra was fast asleep on the decent and landing.

There we were: in Turkey, in Asia.  Yes, the Baguettes received their first stamp in their passport (and second on exit) and stepped foot, for the first time, on another continent.  As you are probably aware Turkey straddles Europe and Asia however the majority of the country is in Asia and we were a considerable distance from the Bosphorus.  Ezra may have taken his first flight over 6 month older than his sisters (as you may recall Amélie was a week younger than Éowyn when she took her first flight) he holds the distinction for being the youngest to leave his birth continent and receive a stamp in his passport!  Interestingly although Sarigerme is on another continent the flight to Tenerife Sur was 72 miles longer than the flight to Dalaman.

We checked in and were pleasantly surprised by our room.  Not much of a view but there was a balcony.  The large room could be divided in two by sliding doors.  The bathroom/ corridor side housed a super king bed (unfortunately with a king duvet) the wardrobes and television.  The balcony side of the sliding doors housed two single beds, a second television and a blackboard.  The girls chose a bed each but where was Ezra going to sleep?  There was supposed to be another bed.  Under Éowyn’s bed there was a full length drawer that pulled out to reveal a third single bed.  However, there had also left a travel cot and although Ezra sleeps in a toddler bed at home we thought that perhaps the cot was the better option and so all three had their beds.

The resort was excellent: seven pools, three of them aimed at small children; a children’s playground with slides, swings and climbing frames.  The resort backed onto the beach where all kinds of watersport activities were available.  Indeed there were a number of resorts that backed onto the beach and it was only later that I found out that the name of the beach is Sarigerme and hence why the resorts and thus called.  The nearby town is called Osmaniye Village and has a few shops and a couple of bars, however we never walked that far, only leaving the resort once during our stay, but more of that later.

Days at the resort followed a similar pattern: up for breakfast, back to the room to collect all we need for a day at the pool; relax by the pool, interspersed with lunch and trips to the free ice-cream booth and pancake lady; before getting ready for dinner and the evening’s festivities.  When I say, ‘relax by the pool‘ that is not strictly true.  As a parent it is impossible to relax by a pool when you have three small children playing near large bodies of water.  It needed both of us to be alert as they would often split up and disappear in three different directions.  To our great shame none of our children are strong swimmers.  Therefore, although they were adorned with inflatable armbands and assorted toys, and did not play in the pools in which they could not stand up the parental guilt and fear of accidental drowning was never too far from our minds.

We quickly learned that if we wanted a sunlounger by the poolside then we would need to leave our towels and claim our land before the designated 0800 curfew set by the resort.  Although we never succumbed to the tactics of others in the resort and leaving our towels at 0300, the advantage of early rising children was not lost upon the Bagnall parents and a detour on the way to early breakfasts helped us acquire the necessary positions.

The resort, as these places often do, had other facilities to add to its repertoire including a Turkish hamam.  While looking through the treatments on offer the owner talked us into a family experience of steam rooms, exfoliation, bubble massage, chocolate face mask and massage for the adults and steam room, bubble massage and chocolate face mask for the children.

The first stage was to relax in the sauna.  Only myself and Éowyn took advantage of this section, then it was on to the exfoliation.  Myself and Lucinda lay on a large marble slab (the göbek taşı – the navel stone) under a traditional style dome, while the Baguettes watched from the sidelines.  Now when I say exfoliation, it was closer to sandpapering I don’t think there was much dead skin left on my body by the time he had finished.  Then it was time for the bubble massage.  The Baguettes were allowed to come and lie next to us as we were covered in bubbles.  I would have thought that the kids would have liked this but I think they were so out of their comfort zone, that only Éowyn allowed them to cover her in bubbles, while Amélie let them cover her legs and Ezra just lay still on the göbek taşı holding my hand, with a handful of bubbles on his legs.

After the bubbles were rinsed off it was time for the chocolate face mask.  Now considering all three of them usually have a Nutella facemask at breakfast each morning only Éowyn indulged in the face mask, along with her parents.  Then it was time for the massage.  Lucinda and I had our massages separately, and when I say massage, it could only not be described as torture because we were paying for it and we could have walked out at any time.  I was pummelled, stretched, kneaded and at one point, mounted by a large Turkish man who kept asking, ‘Good?‘  It was far from good at the time, and indeed for a couple of days later but once the bruising (joking) had subsided I could definitely feel the benefits.

With such facilities and only at the resort for 6 days (since the first day is taken up by travelling) we felt no great need to leave the resort.  However, a colleague mentioned that when he went to the same region of Turkey that he visited the Rock Tombs of Dalyan followed by a turtle sanctuary.  That sounded like a nice easy day out and since Ezra is currently fascinated by tortoises it seemed like a perfect day out.

So at 0800 we boarded the coach for our little sojourn to Dalyan (‘Fishing Weir’ in Turkish).  The journey down the Dalyan river was excellent, we saw the Lycian rock tombs (which date to 400 b.c.), dancing dragonflies and Caspian turtles basking in the sun.  the Dalyan river was reminiscent of the reed-filled rivers in the ‘African Queen’ and indeed there is a rumour that the ‘African Queen’ was indeed filmed in Dalyan.  Unfortunately, it is but a myth the African Queen is famous for being shot on location in Uganda and the Congo (and down the road at Shepperton Studios).

After the river trip it was back on the coach and off to Iztuzu beach and the turtle sanctuary.  The Turtle Sanctuary certainly do a good job and save many endangered Loggerhead Turtles, however one feels that they are missed a trick.  It wasn’t particularly well laid out (basically a large gazebo with some rather large buckets, each containing a sizeable Loggerhead turtle) and considering they rely on donations there could have been more to encourage one to part with one’s lira.

Nevertheless, Ezra enjoyed seeing his tortoises (as he insisted they were called) and the couple of hours on Iztuzu beach were fantastic.  A beautiful sandy beach with a nice shallow, warm sea it was definitely worth the trip outside the resort.

One of the other services that the resort offered was a photography service and since it was our first foreign family holiday and a family of five and because we rarely get a portrait of all of us we decided to book a session.  This was a perfect excuse for me to try another of the resort’s facilities and have my first cut-throat razor shave from a Turkish barber.  When I say ‘shave’ it was another complete beauty treatment.  After the cut-throat razor shave, there was the face mask, and the head and shoulder massage, the nasal hair trim and finally burning of one’s tragus (and the tragus on the tragus) – ear hair for those of you that don’t know (or if you speak Greek why the hell I am burning my goat!).

Freshly shaved it was time to get dressed and head for the photoshoot.  The photography session lasted 15 minutes but in that time there were 77 reasonable photos and at least 23 really good ones, so we decided to use some of the holiday money that we had to purchase an album as a memento.  Unfortunately, although the girls really enjoyed dressing up and pretending to be models, Ezra was not playing ball and refused to cooperate.  Nevertheless there are still a number of nice candid shots of the boy!

The remainder of the holiday was relaxing by the pool.  Éowyn bored of the pools and spent the last day listening to music and playing with her electronic games.  Amélie on the other hand made friends with a pair of sisters Alex and Amber.  On the last day Amélie got herself upset because she wasn’t going to see her friends again so before we left we went to say goodbye.  Amélie asked them where they lived so that we could visit.  Somerset was the reply, number 3 with the orange gate.  So Amélie has said that we have to visit them and has put this address into her memory: number 3, Somerset and look for the Orange gate.  Not sure that the satnav will be able to resolve this address.

After a long journey back we landed at a cold and windy Gatwick airport.  The 12°C temperatures were a far cry from the 32°C we left Dalaman airport.  Didn’t the UK read the calendar: it’s June!  Again the valet parking proved its worth after a trip around the M25 we were home and back in our own beds.  The first Bagnall family trip outside of Europe was over and normality was calling.

The girls returned to school the next day and were obviously asked about their holidays.  Amélie informed her teachers that there were lots of Blue Monsters that chase your family.  I think I must have been relaxing by the pool when that happened, and please do not let that put you off Turkey!

Apologies for the epic (indeed, this maybe the longest post) and your reward is a selection of photos, if the 24 below has whet your appetite then there are over 450 holiday snaps on our Flickr pages (click here).

Peace and love
