Getting to know you, getting to know all about you.

Before you think I’ve gone all ‘King and I‘ or going to burst into a medley of Rodgers and (stop) Hammerstein, I was merely trying to think of a catchy title to celebrate that we have, for over a week, been a family of four and are all having to make adjustments to accommodate the new arrival.

Éowyn has adjusted to sharing her parents remarkably well.  It helps that I am on paternity leave and so there is always one of us that can lavish attention on her.  In fact she is quite taken with her little sister and will often park herself on the sofa with a cushion on her lap with her arm out ready to hold Amélie.  Which she will do for a short amount of time until she gets bored or Amélie starts crying.

However, there has been a slight change at night.  It started yesterday.  Lucinda went up to bed at about 2130 and Éowyn was crying.  Lucinda went into her and she was upset and kept saying that she wanted to sleep in mommy and daddy’s bed.  I heard the commotion and went upstairs and took over while Lucinda attended to Amélie.  I gave Éowyn a cuddle and tried to explain that Amélie was a baby and that when she was bigger that she would be sharing Éowyn’s room.  I read her a story and tucked her back into bed and all was good.  She woke up this morning and all was right again.

Then tonight.  Lucinda bathed her and I read her three stories before tucking her into bed.  Her usual routine.  (We have tried to keep things as routine as they can be to try and disturb her the least).  However, when I cam to tuck her into bed, she began to cry.  Again she wanted to sleep in mommy and daddy’s room with Amélie.  So, another daddy cuddle and I explained that she was a big girl and that she would see mommy, daddy and Amélie in the morning when she woke up.  She surrounded herself with her cuddly toys and went to sleep.

She must now be realising that Amélie is here to stay and can’t understand why she is allowed in mommy and daddy’s room.  There is no point getting angry or shouting at her; just reassure and try to explain the situation to her, as best as we can, in a calm voice.  We are both very aware, that however much we pity her and don’t like to see her upset there is no way we can ever give in, not even for one night.

During the week, our visitor numbers are low mainly because most of our friends and family are at work and the evening is not a good time to visit when you have young ones to bath and put to bed.  Yesterday, however we were visited by a family of swans (actually they were scoping number 73 – see photos below) and more importantly our friends Lee and Caroline and their daughter Georgia.  Georgia was born the day after Éowyn so it was interesting to see them react to each other (not play, they interacted but it wasn’t really playing together).  There was a lot of possessiveness from both, not malicious but a toy is always more interesting when it is being played with by someone else.  Both were very cute though and it was nice to see them give each other a kiss goodbye.

Today, I got the first taste of what it will be like for Lucinda every day when my paternity leave ends.  Lucinda had a check up at the doctor’s at 0900, so I was left to get Éowyn, Amélie and myself washed, dressed and fed.  I have had trouble with just the last one in the past!  Actually I think I coped remarkably well, but it is definitely going to be a strain for Lucinda every day.  You can’t rest for a moment.  I think I will have the easier part of the relationship heading into work.

We also took advantage of the unseasonably clement weather (temperatures of 21°C) and went for a walk around the Salville Gardens side of Virginia Water.  There is a little play area for kids, with swings and climbing frames and a sandpit.  So plenty of fun and a good chance for us all to get some vitamin D.  Then back home in time for tea and cakes.

I will bid you adieu (to yieu, and yieu and yieu – OK I’ll stop it!)

Peace and love
