On Wednesday 22nd October 2008 our family life begun. Yes, Éowyn and Lucinda were given the all clear to leave hospital and they came home with me. Éowyn’s infection has cleared up, her jaundice is clearing up and the doctors are very pleased with her progress since she left ICU. Lucinda also has a clean bill of health and the midwife was happy for her to go home. It is such a relief to take them home, even though this means that now the hard work begins.
However, before we took her home she had to have her Guthrie (Heel Prick) test, her BCG, a blood test to confirm that her infections had cleared up and her canula removed. The poor little girl, she must have had enough of all the blood tests, her arms and feet are like little pin cushions. She is so good, although she is obvious upset when they are doing the procedures she soon settles down after a cuddle from daddy. She is such a contented baby, which is amazing considering what she has been through already.
So, for the first time in her life, Éowyn left hospital, saw the sun (for it was sunny) and felt the cold air (and it was a little chilly) on her face. A beautiful autumnal day and she looked so cute in her little coat that her Uncle Steve and Auntie Zöe had bought for her, sitting in her car seat with her little pink and white striped hat. Have a look at the pictures below, I’m sure you will agree.
This evening she had her first home visitors, her cousins Lauren and Madison with their mum Auntie Alison. The girls have been very excited about their new cousin and could not wait to see her and since they have not been able to see her in the hospital they did not waste anytime once she was home. We are very fortunate with such family support so close, they only live around the corner and Nan and Grandad only live at the end of the road. It will be very handy for Lucinda when I am back at work.
The health visitor will pay us a visit tomorrow to see how we are settling in and check up on Éowyn. Then we can start to settle into a routine and maybe even brave a trip up the road to visit Nan and Grandad.
I want to thank you all for your kind messages, cards and just taking a little time each day to read this website, it is very humbling to know that we have such good friends and a loving family, Éowyn is a very lucky girl to have you all.
I’ve waffled enough here are the latest photos and some that you have missed.