My wife and I would like to welcome you our website – a little window on our World. Although it is looking a little basic at the moment, hopefully it will blossom.
What is the motivation behind this website? Well, I have always considered creating a website and have plenty of ideas of websites that I would like to create however there is always a lack of time and motivation that prevent them from seeing the light of day. I now have the greatest motivation to begin the foray into the cyberworld. Fourteen and half months since our marriage, today (Sunday 5th October 2008) is the due date for our first child. However, like its father, it has decided that it is far nicer to stay warm and safe in mommy’s womb than face the bright lights of the big wide world and so the waiting game begins.
This website, therefore, is envisioned to be a record of the progress of our child, something that they will be able to look back upon when they are old enough to appreciate it. It will be mainly focussed on family life and the ups and downs of parenthood as, and hopefully when, our family grows. There may be times when there are updates that deviate from family matters, so forgive me in advance and gaps when time and life . I will attempt an update as often as I can and add photos with each so that there is a visual record of how we (and haircuts and fashion) change.
I have added a column to the right that will take you to a number of static pages (the major events), our Flickr site (with even more photos) and a number of websites that I find interesting as well as the means to search this website for the articles that you find interesting.
Please feel free to drop by regularly and hope that you find our website interesting.
Peace and Love
Baggie and Lucy xxx