Where did those three months go?

And so here we stand in April.  Where has the year gone?  For most of the year Lucinda and myself (and Éowyn of course) have been keeping a big secret from all and thankfully the weekend of Mother’s day we were able to share that with you all.  Judging by the speed of the last three months it will not be long before our family of three becomes a family of four.  With such momentous news it was only right and fitting that it was a separate entry and should hog the front page for a couple of weeks. Therefore this update will cover nearly a month and so there are bound to be many omissions, but hey, you’re only here for the photos!  Right?

So what has been happening in the Bagnall household over the last month?  Obviously the Mothering Sunday weekend and following week was dominated by the news that Lucinda is pregnant, this included a flying visit to West Bromwich to let my Mom and sisters know and a meal with Lucinda’s parents to let them know.  Obviously all are delighted, our main concern will be Éowyn.  She will be going from the centre of attention and the apple of Daddy’s eye to sharing that limelight with a sibling.  Éowyn already shows signs of jealously if Daddy is showing attention to others, and woe be tide that Mommy and Daddy have a cuddle: the tears start and she demands to join in for a group hug.  I think that it will be a bit of a juggling act and new skills to be learnt when the new bubba comes along.

Éowyn has already begun to push the boundaries.  She is seemingly entering the terrible twos six months too early.  In some ways it can be quite funny to watch, when she looks around for something to throw and then launches herself on the floor kicking and screaming.  But when you are trying to do something, or go somewhere, or just get her to do something it can be extremely frustrated.  Months of watching Super Nanny on telly somehow still doesn’t prepare you for the tantrums.  In all fairness her tantrums tend to be short lived and she is as good as gold before and afterwards.  Hopefully this phase is over by September and there will be little or no troubles when the new arrival comes along.  I really am clutching to straws there, aren’t I?

As it has been nearly 7 weeks since a detailed update it is quite hard to remember all that we have done (visited a farm, bought new shoes, lots of time around Nanny and Granddad’s, playing with cousins, fun at the childminder’s, fun at home and skyping Nanny Fran).  Hopefully it will not take me 7 weeks before the next update.  By then we will have a new government (we presume) and the airline industry will have gone bankrupt due to the unpronounceably named Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland.  It is a timely reminder from Mother Nature that however powerful we think we are as a species how she can affect so much and cause so much disruption with what is, in essence, a very minor geological hiccup.  Living so close to Heathrow airport (still the busiest airport in terms of international traffic) the effect of a total ban on traffic in UK airspace is dramatic.  The village seems eerily quiet and the skies are not punctured by large aircraft heading for exotic locations.  The sky is clear blue (it has been particularly fine April weather the past week) without the merest hint of a contrail (or chemtrail should you believe the conspiracy theorists).  However, I think that when they return we will really notice the noise levels, the smell of aviation fuel and the great big iron birds in the sky.

While the big iron birds have been conspicuous by their absence the bird life in our little corner of the land has been very noticeable.  The number of species around here is fantastic for an amateur bird watcher like myself.  One in particular has taken a liking to our garden.  As we all know spring is the time when birds nest.  Maybe you have nesting birds in your garden, but I think we are quite fortunate with the species that has decided that it will raise its family 10 feet from our back door.  A mallard had decided that our borders make an ideal nesting ground.  Unfortunately we didn’t notice her at first and we scared her off the nest, which gave us the chance to have a look in at the dozen or so eggs in her down lined bowl on the ground.  We have been very careful since and Lucinda (probably empathising with impending motherhood) has been on duck-watch ever since.  Hopefully most of the eggs will be viable and we should soon see a team of little ducklings.  Duck is probably Éowyn’s favourite bird mainly due to the fact that it is the one bird that she can recognise.

I don’t think that I am going to waffle on too much, but by way of appeasement I have uploaded more than the usual number of photos for your enjoyment and hopefully you will not have to wait quite as long for the next instalment.  A quick mention goes to West Bromwich Albion who will be plying their trade in the English Premier League next season, well done boys, the new bubba will be born supporting a top flight side (Oh yes it will, it has no choice!).

Peace and Love


These boots are made for walking!

The time to update this website has again eluded me over the last couple of weeks.  For this I apologise.  I think this is mainly due to adapting to Lucinda’s return to work.  Éowyn is also having to adapt to mommy’s return to work.  No longer has she the monopoly of mommy’s time, and now she has to spend whole days with daddy and at least once a week at Jo’s her childminder.  I think that Éowyn is adapting well (I suppose kids do) more so than her mommy, who has to cope with not being at ome with her baby as well as dealing with passengers and the world’s busiest international airport.  I love spending time with Éowyn although it is hard work and you do not get a minute to yourself; but it is so rewarding.  Taking her to Jo’s is still hard as she gets upset when you leave her, however it doesn’t last long and she is soon happy playing with Jo and the toys that she has to offer.  So much so that when you pick her up she is nonplussed when you arrive and only comes to you to show you the toys she is playing with.  It slightly upsetting but reassuring nonetheless.

Jo is excellent with Éowyn and very flexible with our hours.  However, as all childminders, she enjoys having the weekend off.  Unfortunately with the nature of both Lucinda’s and my jobs weekend work is a necessary evil.  Once every 6 weeks we are both at work for the Saturday and the Sunday.  Therefore an alternative has to be found: in steps Nanny Fran.  My Mum jumped at the chance to spend the weekend looking after her granddaughter.  Especially with my sister on holiday in the U.S.  Mum came down on the Saturday morning and stayed until the Monday lunchtime and I’m not sure who had the most fun.  Éowyn really enjoyed playing with Nanny Fran, playing with all her toys, making Rice Crispy cakes and showing off her newly mastered skill:  Walking.

Yes after many months of cruising and the odd step here or there, the 32 step epic at the manor house has become second nature.   She toddles all around the house and is rarely resorting to crawling.  Walking is so much easier, you keep your hands free to steal things and run off with them.  She was walking so much after our return form Puncknowle that we decided that it was time to get her feet measured and buy her some proper shoes.  In the UK there is only one place that you can really get that kind of service:  Clarks.  The service is excellent, the staff seem well trained and they even take a photo of your little one in their first pair of shoes.  For £30 it is the least one should expect!  Especially since they will only last about 6 to 8 weeks because a baby’s feet grow so quickly.  Time to win the lottery.

A belated congratulations to our friends Mark and Lou who had a little girl Abbygail Lily on the 3rd November.  We took Éowyn to visit and introduce her to her new little playmate. However, I’m not sure that she was too interested and seemed to be more intent on playing with Abbygail’s chair and when she finally decided to have a look she just poked poor Abygail. Fortunately no damage was done, we will have to teach her to be more careful. With her little friends she is usually more caring. When her friend Billy was crying she went up to him and stroked his hair saying, ‘Aarrrr’, and, again on another occasion when he was crying she walked over and picked his comfort blanket up and gave to him. So she does have empathic tendencies but perhaps she thought that Abbygail was a doll and was trying to find out what she was made of.

Christmas is nearly upon us and we are trying to be a little more prepared than we were last year.  We have even bought our Christmas Tree.  As you may recall from last year (or search in the archives if you are that bored!) we didn’t manage to get a tree put up for Éowyn’s first Christmas (the bad parents we are).  This was mainly due to not owning an artificial tree and not wishing to put up a real one with a small baby about.  This year we were determined not to let that happen and so we have been scouring the shops for a nice artificial tree.  We have decided on a pre-lit one so that there is a distinct lack of a trailing cables for our little technological terror (she has inherited her father’s love of techno-gadgets and seems to know instinctively how to switch them into a mode that is not referred to in the manual and requires a very specific and complicated series of button pushes) from pulling them over, switching them off or just chewing the cable.

I wish you all well with your Christmas shopping and I hope not to leave in as long to update you all next time.

Peace and Love
