The Baguettes at Nanny Fran’s

The title of this write-up may give you a clue as to the title of the next, but if it hasn’t, don’t worry, by the time you have read the remainder of this essay then I’m sure that it will all make sense.

I need to take you back to the final week or so of school term, so mid-July and give you the conclusion to a number of the events that you read about in the last installment, and no doubt have been waiting with bated breath, so without further ado I will put you out of your misery. Read more

From cats to dinosaurs

I can almost hear what you are thinking: ‘Baggie has begun to lose it since his latest birthday‘.  Not your usual start to the Easter holidays I grant you and not a sentence that the average person would ever utter, yet alone write down, unless it is the third volume in a multi-volume encyclopedia of animals.  Neither is it a merry jape for April Fool but an accurate four word synopsis of the start of the Pascal break. Read more

Ezra’s Fourth Birthday

There are number of updates throughout the year that you can guarantee will beglamour this corner of the t’interweb.  The Christmas message and the beginning of the year Janus (p)review and then there are the three Baguettes’ birthday write ups.  The first of the birthday write-ups, calendrically if not chronologically belongs to Ezra.  Our third child, and youngest member of our Bagnall enclave has the honour of celebrating his birthday first – a full week before me! Read more