I have been lax of late updating the website, but I think that you can all appreciate that there is something else that is more important that has a greater hold on my time. But I have a couple of hours in order, to try and bring you all up to date with the latest happening in the life of the Bagnall family. I will start with the week starting the 10th November.
This was my final week at work before the start of three weeks of annual leave. However, it was my long week at work. (For those of you that do not know, I work a shift that involves 12 hours days but only 7 of them a fortnight. One week consists of 5 days (60 hours!) the second week only 2 (24 hours). So on average I still work 42 hours but I do get relatively more days off, but when I am at work, it is a long day.) So Lucinda would have the responsibility of looking after Éowyn all by herself. Something that would be a strain so early, but my mom, relishing the idea of having plenty of time with Éowyn volunteered to come down for a couple of days to help. This was a god-send as Lucinda expressed (even though the health visitor pooh-poohed the idea of expressing so early) and Nanny Fran fed Éowyn her middle of the night feed allowing Lucinda and myself some uninterrupted sleep. A big thank you to Mom for doing this, even thought I know she enjoyed it, it did feel like we were taking advantage.
Éowyn seems to miss her Nanny Fran whenever she has been around and tends to have a restless night the next night, as so it was this time. Unfortunately this scuppered our plans to take Éowyn in to visit the girls in the office. People were very generous at work with presents for Éowyn and everyone is genuinely interested and looking forward to meeting her and so we had decided to take her in on my day off and introduce her to her surrogate aunties. However, a hour or so of sleep is not conducive to such a visit and so it has been postponed for a couple of weeks.
Here are a few photos from the week, hopefully you can see how much she is growing.