Back to work again

As my three weeks holiday comes to an end.  It has flown by, but at the same time it seems an age since I was at work and Éowyn has grown so much and developed so much over the time.  Her exact weight is, yet again, a bit of a mystery as we have not been able to get her weighed for the last two weeks, but if my arms are any kind of testimony then she is definitely continuing the weight gain that we saw previously.

Lucinda has started post-natal classes, which will last until Christmas and resume in the new year.  Topics included first aid, such as dealing with a baby that is choking and CPR.  It amazes me that such first aid skills aren’t taught as part of the school curriculum, imagine how many lives would be saved each year.  Put away the soapbox Baggie!

This is another item on Lucinda’s weekly schedule, her standard week is rapidly filling up with Coffee mornings, Post-natal classes, Bumps and Babies, not to mention meeting up with friends.  It is good to see, however I don’t think that she is going to have enough time to go back to work when that day comes.  She has become a ‘Lady that Lunches’.

This week has been another busy one.  We took a trip to Swindon, to get my car serviced, visit my good friend Andy and indulge in a little Christmas shopping at the retail centre there.  Good shopping was had (by Lucinda) but we were mostly impressed with the baby changing and feeding stations.  They included a little room with an easy chair and curtain for privacy, a changing table and a microwave for warming bottles.  Top marks.

This was followed by another trip to see Nanny Fran and Auntie Liz.  It also gave the opportunity for us to introduce Éowyn to her Great Uncle David (one of my Dad’s brothers).  Unfortunately her Great Auntie Anne was unable to visit as she was working so we will have to make a trip in the new year to visit them.  It is amazing how much stuff you need to pack to take such a little one away for a couple of days.  It is not an easy task fitting it all in the car, I dread to think what it will be like to go away on holiday for any length of time.

While in West Bromwich, we opened a building society account for Éowyn so she can start saving towards her university bills, and she popped in to see Nanny Fran’s work colleagues.  I think that she made an impression, as we have had a number of offers of baby sitters.  You may regret that offer one day!

We also drove past the Hawthorns, home to West Bromwich Albion, to see if her baby voodoo would kick in.  However she was not impressed and stayed asleep in her car seat.  In fact she stayed pretty much in the land of nod for her entire trip into Birmingham to see the German Christmas market.  It was just as well, as the weather was not kind and we pretty much got soaked walking round.  However, we did manage to meet up with my friend Bobby and he had bought a couple of pressies for her, one of which you can see in the photos below.

We returned home on Saturday afternoon, all pretty shattered, but Éowyn was not going to let us rest.  She had a very fitful night and we didn’t get more than an hour’s continuous sleep all night.  After ten days or so of ideal sleep behaviour it was a bit of a shock.  I hope tonight is a return to calmer nights.

So we have taken today at a much more relaxed pace.  Éowyn wore her Baggies strip (and still we could not win – although she did feed at the start of the second half and then fall asleep, I reckon that interfers with her baby voodoo) and listened to the match.  We also had a visit from Nan and Grandad, who battled the bitter cold to come round for a munch.

I have posted some more photos, but again it may be a couple of weeks before this blog gets added to, as I return to work.

Peace and love


My Great Uncle David
My Great Uncle David
It's so funny!
It's so funny!
That's what I think of you
That's what I think of you
I'm hungry
I'm hungry
My first Baggies top
My first Baggies top
I'm ready for the game!
I'm ready for the game!
Come on Albion!
Come on Albion!
Can't believe they equalised!
Can't believe they equalised!

Sleeping through the night

The second week of my holiday coincides with Éowyn’s 6th week of life. It has been a week spent mainly at home, enjoying being a family. It has been good for Lucinda and me to have some time enjoying our daughter, selfishly to ourselves. She has seemingly grown so much this week. Apart from the night that we returned from West Bromwich, she has been sleeping well at night, including one night that she slept through! She has begun to smile regularly and occasionally giggle, she also has begun to try and roll over, managing it a couple of times. Her latest trick is putting her fist in her mouth to indicate that she is hungry – that’s my girl! How quickly they grow up.

Monday evening our friends Neil and Emma paid us a visit. It was the first time that they had met Éowyn; unfortunately, she did herself a bit of a disservice by crying for much of the evening. It was also the first time that we had had friends round for a meal (OK a takeaway curry) and a crying baby is something that we (and our guests) will have to get used to when entertaining.

Lucinda has been fighting a cold since Tuesday (her cough is getting worse and the list of medicine that you can take while breastfeeding is extremely low) and so we did not have to think twice (in fact we never think twice) to accept a dinner invite from Lucinda’s parents. As I have mentioned before it is very comforting to know that we have family that live so close.

It was Lucinda’s turn to host the weekly NCT coffee morning, Wednesday; the first time it has been at home. It is good to see that the girls have forged such friendships and are giving each other support. I have meant to organize a pub evening with the boys but as yet that has not happened, will probably wait until we meet up at the official NCT group meet up and try to organize one then, after Christmas.

Thursday, we took Éowyn to visit my work mates. It can feel very much like a family at mediahouse and so it was important to introduce Éowyn to her many surrogate aunties. I think it will the first visit of many, I hope she likes being the centre of attention; she seems to at the moment.

A visit to the doctors for her six week check ended the week. The doctor seemed very pleased with her and Lucinda. Both are doing well and Éowyn was exceptionally well behaved, she did not cry once during the examination. We were very proud of her. The doctor did not seem concerned with her development and has given us some antibiotic drops to help finally clear up Éowyn’s conjunctivitis.

It has been fantastic spending so much time as a family but that is rapidly coming to an end as I only have a week left of my annual leave, so I fully intend to enjoy this coming week.

Peace and Love


Emma and Neil
Emma and Neil
Neil and Éowyn
Neil and Éowyn
Read the bib!
Read the bib!
Meet Auntie Danielle
Meet Auntie Danielle
What do I do?
What do I do?
Hands up, I'll come quietly!
Hands up, I'll come quietly!
Daddy's hand
Daddy's hand
Mommy's hand
Mommy's hand
I've got daddy's ring
I've got daddy's ring

Nanny Fran Part Two

And so my three week break (from work) begins.  The idea being that I can give some support to Lucinda and hopefully get Éowyn into some kind of routine – well that’s our plan, Éowyn may have different ideas, it’ll be fun to find out who’ll win.

The week started quite quietly with her first visit to Early Bird at the Harvester in Windsor, in honour of her Grandad’s birthday.  However she was suitably nonplussed and slept through the entire dinner, at least she wasn’t screaming the house down.

Wednesday was the usual mother’s coffee morning and again she slept through it.  Lucinda is beginning to think that the other mum’s think we have the perfect baby and that she never cries.  I’m sure she puts it all on to make us look like liars.  She certainly can scream and cry the house down.  Usually at 3 in the morning, when the night seems like it will never end.  Following the coffee morning was the visit to the clinic and news that she had broke the 10lb barrier and now weighs 10lb 7oz (a 38% increase in weight in less than a month!)

My good friend Sanjiv popped round on Thursday to meet the little one.  Yet again, she proved her parents liars by sleeping through his entire visit, including a visit to the pub for lunch.  She doesn’t just sleep you know!  Honest!

The weekend was the big event, the other reason why I took 3 weeks off.  We took Éowyn to visit West Bromwich, and especially to visit her Great Grandmother, my Mom’s Mom.  As you can see from the photo below her Great Grandma was overjoyed to meet her, even though it makes her feel old.  So we had four generations of Bagnall’s (well McGinns and Bagnalls to be precise) in one room, a first for our family!

On Saturday there was a steady stream of visitors from my Uncle and Aunt, to friends and neighbours, she was the centre of attention and again she was not fussed.  I think that she likes it.  It is amazing how a child brings everyone together and how fascinating watching a child can be, like staring into the flames of a fire.  There must be something primeval about it, a kind of genetic conditioning.

We also took Éowyn visit her Great-Great Uncle and Great-Great Aunt, my nan’s older brother and his wife, my Great Uncle Albert and Great Aunt Iris.  Another bridge across the generations.  Uncle Albert has traced his side of the family tree (the Wyton side, my maternal grandmother’s side) as far as the 1540’s and now he has met the generation that will take the family forward.  I suppose that with longevity increasing this will be become a more common sight, even for those of us that hail from the Black Country.

There are still many more family members for Éowyn to meet and so a second trip up north is planned to continue the introductions to the family, a visit to the Hawthorns as well as the important task of allowing Nanny Fran (and Auntie Liz) some serious cuddle time.

Until next time, peace and love


I'm a Great Grandma!
I'm a Great Grandma!
I'm your Great Grandma
I'm your Great Grandma
The Generations
The Generations
Mommy and Éowyn
Mommy and Éowyn
First smile
First smile
Me? Smiling? Never!
Me? Smiling? Never!
OK, I was!
OK, I was!
Great Uncle Michael
Great Uncle Michael
Great Auntie Yvonne
Great Auntie Yvonne
Great-Great Uncle Albert
Great-Great Uncle Albert
Great-Great Auntie Iris
Great-Great Auntie Iris
Nanny Fran And Auntie Liz
Nanny Fran And Auntie Liz