Just the three of us.
A Window on our World
Today Éowyn is one week old. She marked this momentus occasion by going on her first adventure since arriving home from the hospital. It was only down the road to nan and grandad’s house but it is a journey that she will come to know very well. We carried her there in her car seat but collected her pushchair from nan and grandad and wheeled her back. I think that Lucinda needs a few pushchair lessons!
We had a little more sleep last night but it was mainly due to better organisation by us. We took it in turns to placate her while the other slept. Unfortunately as we are trying to establish breastfeeding this means that Lucinda has to wake every three hours to feed her, but hopefully that will change when Lucinda starts to express, then I can do one of the night feeds.
Éowyn is definitely growing, she has already grown out of one of her sleepsuits! So it is a good job that she has a bigger wardrobe than me. She will be weighed on Monday when the midwife pays us a visit and I fully expected her to be over 8lbs. She definitely feels heavy at 0200 after two hours of walking around the room singing Elvis songs to her.
Tomorrow I will introduce her to the delights of Soccer Saturday on Sky Sports News and we can listen out the football scores with a very special eye on the West Bromwich Albion v Hull City game. Let’s hope she can use her baby voodoo to send some luck to the Albion.
Here are a couple of today’s photos,
Peace and Love
Last night we had our first taste of parenthood. Éowyn decided that she didn’t want to lie down and be quiet all night, in fact it wasn’t until 0630 that she finally succumbed to the arms of Morpheus. This was in complete contrast to her behaviour during the day, where she tended to sleep for three hours before gradually waking up for a feed and nappy change. I think it is something that we are just going to have to get used to and learn to nap at the same time as Éowyn.
We had our first home visit by the midwife today, to check up on Éowyn. She is very please with her progress, she is feeding well and gaining weight and should be above her birth weight by Monday, which is the next midwife visit. The midwife also suggested that we could use infacol to help treat Éowyn for wind and that may help with easing her to sleep at night. I don’t hold out that much hope, but we will try it for the next few weeks.
Considering the night we had last night we have taken it easy today but have had a couple of visitors with Lucinda’s mum popping round this morning and her cousins Lauren and Madison with Auntie Cristina this evening.
Spoke to my mom last night, who is very excited about visiting on Sunday, with my sisters. I think Éowyn is going to be very spoilt that day. She also has said how excited my nan is about her first great-grandchild. Unfortunately, as my nan is in a home in West Bromwich, it will be a couple of weeks before we will be able to go up and see her. Éowyn will have to do a little tour of her ancestral homeland as she will have to visit her great, great uncle and great, great auntie as well as a whole host of other friends and relatives. I think that it will be very tiring for her.
I love being a dad, even in the wee hours of the morning, I can’t recommend it highly enough, although ask me again in a couple of weeks when I have not had any sleep and have a 12 hour shift ahead of me.
Haven’t taken many photos again today but here are a couple, one from yesterday in her car seat.
Peace and love