Today marked a big day in any baby’s life: her birth was offically registered. Éowyn is now part of the population of the United Kingdom, and as such can now obtain a passport (has to be done) and a bank account (definitely has to be done, considering the money that she has received!). Once she was registered we could enrol her at our doctor’s surgery and so she now belongs to a practice. Her other big adventure was a trip to Sainsbury’s to do the weekly shop. There is no stopping this girl. Actually she slept through the whole trip, she likes sitting in her car seat and journeying into the unknown. For some reason it relaxes her and she sleeps, well, like a baby!
This afternoon she was at home to receive guests. Her Uncle Steve, Auntie Zöe and for the first time her cousins Megan and Finley came for visit and a cuddle. Éowyn has now met all her cousins, and the only member of her ‘immediate’ family she has still to meet is her Great Grandma, my nan. Obviously, she has many Great Uncles and Aunts yet to met and her Great-Great Uncle and Auntie as well as the majority of our friends, but give her time, she is not yet a fortnight old.
Tomorrow, we have a visit from the midwife (hopefully), the health visitor and a couple of our friends to look forward to. It is also the last day that I will spend with her before I go back to work. That is going to be a huge shock for both Lucinda and me, however it will not be long before I am off again for another three week ‘break’, the joys of shift work and saving your holiday to the end of the year.
Here are a couple of today’s photos.
Love and peace